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- 退款通知書
- 參賽編號請查閱以下名單


賽事取消通知 -




此次賽事之報名費會全數退回予參賽者。請填妥附件之退款通知書,並於 2011年3月20日或之前 電郵至 refund@sportsoho.com 或傳真至 2117 0023。退款支票將於2011年3月31日或之前存入到指定之銀行戶口。


如有任何疑問,請電郵至 refund@sportsoho.com 或致電+852 2117 1011聯絡May Chan查詢。


陳冠英 謹啓



  • 要求退款之參賽者,請填附件之「退款通知書」,並於 2011年3月20日或之前 電郵至 refund@sportsoho.com 或傳真至2117 0023。逾期遞交者之退款將會延誤。
  • 退款支票將於2011年3月31日或之前存入指定銀行。
  • 建議雙人接力賽之參賽者可連同隊友填妥「退款通知書」一併安排退款。


- Reimbursement Form
- For bib number, please refer to the list below.

To Participants

11th March 2011

Event Cancellation -
K-Swiss King of the City 2011 Hong Kong Island

Due to the route permission problem, K-Swiss King of the City 2011 Hong Kong Island will be cancelled unwillingly. We are sorry for any inconvenience caused.

We endeavor to seek for a brand new race route, especially in urban area, for runners and sports lovers in order to spread the sportive energy to the public. Even though the race committee has tried their best and cooperated with many different parties to organize the event, it still cannot be done successfully. We would like to say "Sorry and thank you so much for your support!"

However, we will continue to plan for the next race at Hong Kong Island, and will do in an outstanding way.

The full enrolment fee will be refunded to all participants. Please fill in and send the "Reimbursement Form" to us by email to refund@sportsoho.com or fax at 2117 0023 on or before 20th March 2011. The refund cheque will be deposited to your specified account on or before 31st March 2011.

To thank for your great support, the title sponsor K-Swiss will offer a free enrolment quota of the next K-Swiss King of the City 2011 Kowloon to all involved participants. The race will be held at Tsim Sha Tsui East on 7th August 2011. Free enrolment details will be sent to all involved participants at the recruitment stage.

If there is any inquiry, please feel free to contact us at refund@sportsoho.com or contact May Chan at +852 2117 1011 for details. Sorry for any inconvenience caused.

Yours sincerely,
Managing Director
Chan, Kun-ying
Sportsoho Media Ltd.



  • Please send the "Reimbursement Form" to us by email to refund@sportsoho.com or fax at 2117 0023 on or before 20th March 2011 (Sunday). The refund cheque will be delayed for late submission.
  • Refund cheque will be deposited to the specified bank on or before 31st March 2011.
  • Participants joining the relay team are advised to fill in and submit the "Reimbursement Form" to refund in the same account.