Panasonic 飛達除夕跑 2023
New Year's Eve Run 2023
最新消息 Latest News
成績 Results
10公里個人組 10KM Individual
4公里個人青年組 4KM Individual Youth
1公里親子組 1KM Family
獎項 Prize
10公里個人組 10KM Individual
4公里個人青年組 4KM Individual Youth
1公里親子組 1KM Family
Rearrange Start time Notice
The start time has been amended for a better race experience.
組別 Category |
原定時間 Original Start Time |
新起步時間 Rearranged Start Time |
10公里個人組 10KM Individual |
8:30am | 8:00am |
4公里個人青年組 4KM Individual Youth |
9:45am | 8:05am |
1公里親子組 1KM Family |
8:55am | 9:40am |
如以上時間調動為 閣下帶來任何不便,大會深感抱歉,敬請見諒。再次感謝各位參加者對是次活動的支持。如有任何疑問,歡迎電郵至 [email protected] 與賽事小組聯絡。 (*辦公時間為星期一至五,上午10時至下午6時,公眾假期除外。)
We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience caused and thank you for your continued support and understanding. Should you have any enquiries, please email to [email protected] (*Office hour: Monday to Friday 10am - 6pm, except public holiday)
Public enrollment start.
First come first serve.
活動簡介 Event Information
主辦機構 Organizer |
飛達田徑會 Pacers Athletics Club |
贊助機構 Sponsor |
信興集團, Panasonic Shun Hing Group, Panasonic |
支持機構 Supporting Organization |
運動版圖 Sportsoho Media Limited |
活動日期 Activity Date |
2023年12月31日(星期日) 31st December 2023 (Sunday) |
活動地點 Activity Venue |
香港科學園 Hong Kong Science Park |
活動流程 Activity Schedule |
截止報名日期 Deadline for registration |
額滿即止 First come, first serve |
電郵 |
[email protected] | ||||||||||||
查詢熱線 Hotline |
+852 2117 1650 (辦公時間為逢星期一至五,早上10時至下午6時,公眾假期除外。) (*Office hour: Monday to Friday 10am - 6pm, except public holiday) |
證書費 Certificate Fee |
HKD$45 / 一張(比賽前經網上申請) HKD$45 / per online registration request |
HKD$60 / 一張(比賽當日即場申請) HKD$60 / per onsite request |
賽事組別 Race Category
(比賽組別以出生年份計算 Race Category is calculated by year of birth)
1公里親子組 1KM Family (親子組之組別以小朋友的出生年份及性別計算) (All groups are categorized according to the Year of Birth and Gender of kid) |
組別 Category |
歲數 Age |
組別 Category |
歲數 Age |
出生年份 Born In |
男子親子組I組 (4-5歲) Male Family I (Age 4-5) |
家長及4-5歲男孩 Adult and Boy aged 4-5 |
女子親子組I組 (4-5歲) Female Family I (Age 4-5) |
家長及4-5歲女孩 Adult and Girl aged 4-5 |
2018 - 2019 |
男子親子組II組 (6-7歲) Male Family II (Age 6-7) |
家長及6-7歲男孩 Adult and Boy aged 6-7 |
女子親子組II組 (6-7歲) Female Family II (Age 6-7) |
家長及6-7歲女孩 Adult and Girl aged 6-7 |
2016 - 2017 |
男子親子組III組 (8-9歲) Male Family III (Age 8-9) |
家長及8-9歲男孩 Adult and Boy aged 8-9 |
女子親子組III組 (8-9歲) Female Family III (Age 8-9) |
家長及8-9歲女孩 Adult and Girl aged 8-9 |
2014 - 2015 |
備註 Remarks | 每隊「親子組」需由一名家長及一名子女組成,共2名參加者。成績會以最後一位隊員衝線時間作計算。 (家長需年滿18歲或以上) “Family Run” should be formed by 1 parent and 1 kid, 2 participants in total. Results will be perceived as finish time of the final team member. Parents should be aged 18 or above. |
4公里個人青年組 4KM Individual Youth |
組別 Category |
出生年份 Year of Birth |
組別 Category |
出生年份 Year of Birth |
男子青年I組 (10-11歲) Male Youth I (Age 10-11) |
2012 - 2013 | 女子青年I組 (10-11歲) Female Youth I (Age 10-11) |
2012 - 2013 |
男子青年II組 (12-13歲) Male Youth II (Age 12-13) |
2010 - 2011 | 女子青年II組 (12-13歲) Female Youth II (Age 12-13) |
2010 - 2011 |
男子青年III組 (14-15歲) Male Youth III (Age 14-15) |
2008 - 2009 | 女子青年III組 (14-15歲) Female Youth III (Age 14-15) |
2008 - 2009 |
10公里個人組 10KM Individual |
組別 Category |
出生年份 Year of Birth |
組別 Category |
出生年份 Year of Birth |
男子公開I組 (16-19歲) Male Open I (Age 16-19) |
2004 - 2007 | 女子公開I組 (16-19歲) Female Open I (Age 16-19) |
2004 - 2007 |
男子公開II組 (20-24歲) Male Open II (Age 20-24) |
1999 - 2003 | 女子公開II組 (20-24歲) Female Open II (Age 20-24) |
1999 - 2003 |
男子公開III組 (25-29歲) Male Open III (Age 25-29) |
1994 - 1998 | 女子公開III組 (25-29歲) Female Open III (Age 25-29) |
1994 - 1998 |
男子壯年I組 (30-34歲) Male I (Age 30-34) |
1989 - 1993 | 女子壯年I組 (30-34歲) Female I (Age 30-34) |
1989 - 1993 |
男子壯年II組 (35-39歲) Male II (Age 35-39) |
1984 - 1988 | 女子壯年II組 (35-39歲) Female II (Age 35-39) |
1984 - 1988 |
男子壯年III組 (40-44歲) Male III (Age 40-44) |
1979 - 1983 | 女子壯年III組 (40-44歲) Female III (Age 40-44) |
1979 - 1983 |
男子高級I組 (45-49歲) Male Advanced Open I (Age 45-49) |
1974 - 1978 | 女子高級I組 (45-49歲) Female Advanced Open I (Age 45-49) |
1974 - 1978 |
男子高級II組 (50-54歲) Male Advanced Open II (Age 50-54) |
1969 - 1973 | 女子高級II組 (50歲或以上) Female Advanced Open II (Age 50 or above) |
1973年或以前 |
男子先進組 (55-59歲) Male Senior (Age 55-59) |
1964 - 1968 | ||
男子元老組 (60歲或以上) Male Veteran (Age 60 or above) |
1963年或以前 | ||
10公里超級隊際賽 (30人一隊)參加10公里個人組之餘亦可組隊參加10公里超級隊際賽,無須額外費用。每位個人只可記錄入一個隊伍,30人為一隊,總成績以首27名完成賽事的隊員時間總和決定,每位女隊員於個人成績可獲減5分鐘。請立即與成功報名參加比賽的朋友組隊,報名參與10公里超級隊際賽。 Super Team 10KM Challenge (30 in a team)Participants can team up with your friends who have successfully enrolled in Panasonic Pacers New Year's Eve Run 2023 Individual 10KM category to win the Super Team 10KM Challenge without extra fee. Each applicant can sign up in one team only. Each team has 30 members, each female teammate will receive a 5 minutes deduction in their individual result. Result will be determined by the total time of the first 27 team members. |
紀念品 Souvenirs
Each participant will receive one T-Shirt. Finisher will have Towel and Finisher Medal on the event day.
尺碼表 | |||||||||
尺碼 | 5XS (120) | 4XS (130) | 3XS (140) | 2XS (150) | XS | S | M | L | XL |
胸闊(厘米) | 36 | 38 | 41 | 43 | 44.5 | 47 | 50 | 53 | 56 |
長度(厘米) | 48 | 51 | 54 | 57 | 64 | 66 | 68 | 70 | 72 |
*T-shirt size availability is provided on a first come first serve basis during registration and subject to stock condition during race pack distribution. The organizer does not warrant any size request.
*If there is no option of the particular size in the enrollment system, it means this size is already out of stock. Size cannot be changed after enrollment.
*Picture and color are for reference ONLY.
獎項 Prizes and Awards
1公里親子組 1KM Family |
冠軍 Champion |
獎盃乙個 A trophy |
Panasonic「護目佳」LED檯燈 (4.5W) HHLT0220PL13 Panasonic LED Desk Lamp (4.5W) HHLT0220PL13 ![]() |
亞軍 1st runner-up |
獎盃乙個 A trophy |
Panasonic「護目佳」LED夾燈 (4.5W) HHLT0232EL13 Panasonic Clip-on Desk Lamp (4.5W) HHLT0232EL13 ![]() |
季軍 2nd runner-up |
獎盃乙個 A trophy |
Panasonic LED電筒 BF-BM01BT/W Panasonic LED Torch Light BF-BM01BT/W ![]() |
4公里個人青年組 4KM Individual Youth |
冠軍 Champion |
獎盃乙個 A trophy |
Panasonic「護目佳」LED檯燈 (4.5W) HHLT0220PL13 Panasonic LED Desk Lamp (4.5W) HHLT0220PL13 ![]() |
亞軍 1st runner-up |
獎盃乙個 A trophy |
Panasonic「護目佳」LED夾燈 (4.5W) HHLT0232EL13 Panasonic Clip-on Desk Lamp (4.5W) HHLT0232EL13 ![]() |
季軍 2nd runner-up |
獎盃乙個 A trophy |
Panasonic LED電筒 BF-BM01BT/W Panasonic LED Torch Light BF-BM01BT/W ![]() |
10公里男子個人組 10KM Male Individual |
冠軍 Champion |
獎盃乙個 A trophy |
Panasonic 聲波震動牙刷 EW-DM81 Panasonic Sonic Vibration Electric Toothbrush EW-DM81 ![]() |
亞軍 1st runner-up |
獎盃乙個 A trophy |
Panasonic 充電鬚刨 ES-RC50 Panasonic Rechargeable Shaver ES-RC50 ![]() |
季軍 2nd runner-up |
獎盃乙個 A trophy |
Panasonic「護髮雙負離子」靜音風筒 EH-NE44 Panasonic Double Ionity Silent Hair Dryer EH-NE44 ![]() |
殿軍 3rd runner-up |
獎牌乙個 A medal |
第五名 4th runner-up |
獎牌乙個 A medal |
10公里女子個人組 10KM Female Individual |
冠軍 Champion |
獎盃乙個 A trophy |
Panasonic 聲波震動牙刷 EW-DM81 Panasonic Sonic Vibration Electric Toothbrush EW-DM81 ![]() |
亞軍 1st runner-up |
獎盃乙個 A trophy |
Panasonic 「護髮負離子」捲髮器 EH-KE46 Panasonic lonity Hair Curler EH-KE46 ![]() |
季軍 2nd runner-up |
獎盃乙個 A trophy |
Panasonic「護髮雙負離子」靜音風筒 EH-NE44 Panasonic Double Ionity Silent Hair Dryer EH-NE44 ![]() |
殿軍 3rd runner-up |
獎牌乙個 A medal |
第五名 4th runner-up |
獎牌乙個 A medal |
10公里組 (全場總冠軍) 10KM Group (Overall Champion) |
男子組 Male Group |
獎盃乙個 A trophy |
Panasonic LAMDASH 超高速磁力驅動電鬚刨 ES-LT4B Panasonic LAMDASH Linear Shaver ES-LT4B ![]() |
女子組 Female Group |
獎盃乙個 A trophy |
Panasonic nanoe® 護髮風筒 EH-NA9K Panasonic nanoe® Hair Dryer EH-NA9K ![]() |
10公里超級隊際賽 Super Team 10KM Challenge |
冠軍 Champion |
獎盃乙座;每名參賽者可獲獎牌乙枚 Trophy/Medals will be presented to the Champion |
亞軍 1st runner-up |
獎盃乙座;每名參賽者可獲獎牌乙枚 Trophy/Medals will be presented to the 1st runner-up |
季軍 2nd runner-up |
獎盃乙座;每名參賽者可獲獎牌乙枚 Trophy/Medals will be presented to the 2nd runner-up |
路線圖 Route Map
報名方法 Entry Procedures
- 網上報名 Online registration
請在本頁上方按「網上報名」並登入填寫參賽者資料,及以信用卡 (Visa/Mastercard) 繳付報名費
Fill and submit the online enrollment form and pay your enrollment fee by credit card (Visa/Mastercard)
注意事項 Important Notes
報名 Enrollment
- 參加者必須仔細閱讀以下事項。報名申請一經遞交,即代表參加者確認及同意接受一切活動的規則、條款和安排。
Participants must study the rules and regulations listed below carefully. Participants who completed the registration process agreed to be abided by the rules and regulations of the event that has been signed up. - 成功報名的參加者將會收到一封確認電郵。假如您於登記後未有收到有關的確認電郵,請聯絡我們(電郵:[email protected] ; 電話:(852) 2117 1650)。
A confirmation email will be sent to the participants upon successful registration. If you do not receive the confirmation email after your registration, please contact us by email [email protected] or call (852) 2117 1650 for assistance. - 參加資格一經接納,報名費將不獲退還及不可轉讓。大會將於收到申請後十個工作天內發出確認。如未有預期收到確認電郵,請立即與大會聯絡。
Once the entry is accepted, entry fees are non-refundable & non-transferable under any circumstances. An acknowledgement email will be sent to the registered email address within 10 working days after the Organiser has received the registration. Otherwise, please contact the Organiser immediately. - 重複的報名,將被算作一個單一的報名。額外的報名費不予退還,並不能轉移到其他申請人或其他賽事。提交的報名資料將不予退還。
Repeated entries will be counted as a single entry. The extra fee is non-refundable and cannot be transferred to another applicant or other race. Also, the submitted form and information will not be returned. - 不接受現場及逾期報名。
Late or on-site enrollment will not be accepted. - 資料不全者,恕不接受報名。
Incomplete enrollment will not be accepted.
健康與安全提示 Health and safety advice
- 參加者必須確保其身體狀況適宜參加比賽。如有疑問,請先諮詢醫生的意見。
Participants should make sure their health conditions are suitable for the strenuous race. In case of doubt, please seek medical advice in advance. - 參加者須清楚明白活動內容及活動性質,並知道此活動需要消耗體力,同時確定健康情況適宜參與是次活動。主辦機構建議所有參賽者於活動時自行留意個人的身體狀況是否良好及是否適合參與活動。於活動期間如有不適,請立即停止活動及向現場工作人員求助。
Participants should understand the event content and nature and participating in this event requires physical exertion. Participants should be in sound medical condition capable of participating in the event. The Organizer suggests all participants monitor their own physical condition and are deemed fit and capable of participating in the event. In case you are feeling sick during the event, you should immediately stop the activity and do seek help from the onsite race officials. - 參加者請自行進行防曬措施,例如自備防曬用品、配戴帽子及多喝水。
Participants should take protective measures against UV, such as applying sunscreen, wearing caps and drinking water. - 任何懷孕或患有慢性疾病如心臟病及高血壓的人士,皆不應參加是次活動。
People who are pregnant or with chronic diseases, like heart disease and high blood pressure, are not recommended to participate in the event. - 主辦機構在得悉或懷疑的情況下,將保留權利取消任何不適宜參加是次活動之參加者的資格。
The Organizer reserves the right to disallow or disqualify any person who is known or suspected to be physically unfit to participate in the event and such person shall accept. - 參賽者個人意外保險需自行負責。
Participants are advised to arrange their own insurance cover.
惡劣天氣 Severe Weather
- 如於活動前一天上午8時或之後懸掛八號或以上颱風訊號,活動將會取消。
If Typhoon Signal No.8 or above is hoisted at any time from 8:00 am on one day before the event, the event will be cancelled. - 如於活動當日早上4時或之後懸掛紅色暴雨,活動將會取消。
If the Red Rainstorm Signal is hoisted at any time from 04:00 am on the event day, the event will be cancelled. - 如活動前懸掛上述任何警告而取消活動,報名費將不獲退還。
If the event is cancelled due to the above warnings hoisted, the enrollment fee will not be refunded. - 如活動進行中天氣惡劣或懸掛上述任何警告,活動總監有權將活動路線改變或取消正在進行中的活動。報名費將不獲退還。
If the above Inclement Weather/Condition Warnings be hoisted after the commencement of event, the Race Director has the right to change the event distance or event arrangement or to stop the event. The enrollment fee will not be refunded.
其他事宜 Others
- 參加者的個人物件可存放於大會提供之行李寄存區。切勿攜帶貴重物品,如有損毀或遺失,大會將不會負任何責任及作出任何賠償。參加者一旦使用此安排,已被假定接受此條款。
Baggage storage will be provided. Please do not bring any valuable items. The Organizer is not responsible for the lost or damage of the baggage stored with us. - 如活動過程中須向大會查詢及要求協助,請到詢問處與工作人員聯絡。
Should there be any emergencies or assistance needed during the event, participants shall contact the officials at the information center. - 所有禮品不可兌換現金。
All prizes are not redeemable for cash. - 大會擁有修改及解釋以上規則的權利。
The Organizer reserves the right to amend or clarify the above race rules.
christinato 421 days ago