Privacy policy 私隱說明

Your use of Sportsoho, and any disputes that may arise, will be determined and resolved according to this policy, our terms of use and all other applicable clauses for conflict resolution (including judicial rulings, limits to the amount of damages and choice of judicial action). We reserve the right to change our privacy policy and terms of use at any time. Conceptual changes and clarifications will take effect immediately; concrete policy changes will take effect upon 30 days of notification. Any changes will be posted at the top of this page, along with the dates they come into effect. If we make any concrete changes to this policy, we will notify you either via email or a notice on our homepage. We encourage you to refer back to this page to keep abreast of changes to our privacy policy. Unless otherwise stated, this policy will apply to all information we have about you and your account.
你對 Sportsoho 的使用,及任何因使用所引起的爭議,均應遵照此隱私權政策、我們的使用條款及其所有爭議解決條款 (包括裁決、損害的限制、法律的選擇)。我們有權隨時變更我們的隱私權政策及使用條款。非實質的變更與澄清會立刻生效,而實質變更會在此網站上張貼後的 30 內生效。如果我們進行變更,我們會張貼變更,並在此頁面最上方指出該政策的新生效日期。如果我們對此政策進行實質的變更,我們會在這裡通知你,方式可能是透過電子郵件或我們首頁上的通知。我們鼓勵你不斷參閱此政策,以便了解目前的隱私權政策。除非另有聲明,否則目前隱私權政策均適用於我們所擁有之你及你帳號的所有資訊。


Upon registration to Sportsoho, you will have created your profile and privacy settings. The users you authorize in your privacy settings will be able to view your profile, name, email and pictures, so you can keep in touch with fellow users of Sportsoho. If Sportsoho begins offering new services that we think may be useful to you, we may use your name and email to inform you of these services.
你在註冊 Sportsoho 時,即建立了自己的個人檔案與隱私設定。你的隱私設定中所指定的網絡中的人士,都看得到你的個人檔案資訊、姓名、電子郵件和相片,讓你可與 Sportsoho 的人維持聯繫。Sportsoho 若有新服務是我們覺得你可能會覺得有用的,我們會偶爾使用你的姓名與電子郵件,傳送通知給你。


Sportsoho mainly uses your personal information so you can see it whenever you use our services, so you can edit your privacy settings, and so the users you authorize will be able to see it as well. If you choose to make your authorization settings public on your message board for example, other users of Sportsoho will be able to add to your profile.
Sportsoho 所使用的個人檔案資訊,主要是用來讓你進入服務時可以看見這些資訊並進行編輯,以及讓你的隱私設定中允許檢視資訊的其他人可以看見這些資訊。在你的隱私設定允許 (如張貼到你的留言版) 的部分情況下,其他 Sportsoho 用戶或可替你的個人檔案補充資料。


Users belonging to the authorized networks designated in your privacy settings (such as schoolmates, neighbours or friends of friends) will be able to view your profile. Your name, the names of your networks, personal files (such as thumbnails of your pictures) will be made searchable on the Sportsoho network, and part of this information may be available to a third party search engine, so your friends can find you and invite you to join their networks. Users will only see your name and will not be able to retrive your account information, unless users are acquainted with you (friends, friends of friends or people belonging to your networks etc) or if you authorize them to review your profile.
Sportsoho 用戶若屬於你的隱私設定中允許存取你的資訊的網絡 (如同學校、同地理區、朋友的朋友),則你送到 Sportsoho 的個人檔案資訊,他們也看得到。你的姓名、網絡名稱、個人檔案相片縮圖,在 Sportsoho 網絡上可以搜尋得到,而這些有限的資訊片段可能會送給第三方搜尋引擎。這樣你的朋友才可以找到你並傳送交友邀請。除非人們跟你有關係 (朋友、朋友的朋友、你的網絡成員等),且根據你的隱私設定可以存取你的個人檔案資訊,否則他們在搜尋時一律只看得到你的姓名,無法存取你的個人檔案資訊。


Sportsoho may send you notices as part of our services. For example, if a friend sends you a new message, or someone leaves a message on your board, you will receive an email reminder.
Sportsoho 可以透過服務的一般運作,不時傳送服務相關公告給你。例如,若有朋友傳送新訊息給你或戳你,或有人在你的留言版上張貼留言,你便會收到電子郵件提示。


Normally you can inform the webmaster if you wish to stop receiving this kind of mail, but even if you choose not to receive any voluntary email notices, Sportsoho is still authorized to send you notices about your account.
一般而言,你可以在通知頁面取消訂閱這類電子郵件,不過即使你取消訂閱所有自願的電子郵件通知,Sportsoho 仍有權傳送與你的帳號有關的通知給你。


Sportsoho may use your account information but will not disclose your identity to any third parties. Our use of users’ information is to estimate the size of certain networks (such as bands or movie-affliated networks) and to provide users with personalized advertisements. We hope this will allow us to serve you better and improve your experience with Sportsoho. You will have a better understanding of the world around you, and advertisements can be tailored to suit your interests. For example, if you list your favourite movies on your account, we may notify you of similar movies playing at theatres near you, but we will not disclose your identity to film distribution companies.
Sportsoho 得使用你個人檔案中的資訊,但不會讓第三方得知你的個人身分。我們使用資訊的目的,是為了總計某網絡 (如樂團或電影網絡) 中有多少位成員,以及進行廣告與宣傳的個人化等,如此一來,我們便可以提供更好的 Sportsoho 給你,而且我們認為你也能從中獲益。你可以更加瞭解周遭的世界,當有廣告時,這些廣告可能更容易引起你的興趣。例如,如果你在個人檔案中寫下自己最愛的電影,我們可能會向你廣告有一部類似的電影在你的所在地放映。不過,我們不會把你的身分透露給電影公司。


To complete your personal profile, we may collect personal data from other sources, including but not limited to news, networks (such as blog rings), instant information systems, Sportsoho staff, and other users of Sportsoho. Normally you can choose not to let us collect this type of data, and you can take steps (such as removing tags and links to your photos) to prevent this type of data being linked to your profile.
為了讓你的個人檔案更加完整,我們也可以使用從其他來源收集到的個人相關資訊。這類來源包括但不限於新聞、網路 (如部落格)、即時傳訊服務、Sportsoho 平台開發人員、Sportsoho 其他用戶等。在使用這類資訊的地方,我們通常可讓你在隱私設定中指定你不希望我們使用這類資訊,你也可以採取其他動作來避免這類資訊連結到你的個人檔案 (如移除相片標籤連結)。


On our Website we use website elements from YouTube. On our Website, Users are agreeing to be bound by the YouTube Terms of Service. We have no influence on the parameters of the data that YouTube lift out with the help of the website elements. For details on the purpose and extent of the data collection and the further processing and use of the data by YouTube as well as your related rights and setting options for protecting your privacy, please refer to the followings:
Google privacy policy:
Terms of Service of YouTube:

YouTube user data:
We do not collect or process personal data. Only stores API service authorization information to complete basic operations under authorization.

在本公司網站上,我們使用來自YouTube的網站元素。在本公司網站上,使用者是同意YouTube的服務條款。 我們對YouTube借助網站元素所取得之資料參數並沒有任何影響力。如需資料收集之目的和範圍、YouTube進行之進一步資料處理和使用,以及保護您的隱私權之相關權利和設定選項的詳細資料,請參閱以下:

我們不會收集處理個人資料。 僅儲存API服務授權資訊來完成授權下的基本操作。


User Data Deletion Instructions

According to the Facebook Apps and Websites Platform rules, we have to provide User Data Deletion Callback URL or Data Deletion Instructions URL. If you want to delete your activities for the Sportsoho website, you can remove them by following the instructions below.

  1. Go to your Facebook Account’s Setting & Privacy. Click “Settings”
  2. Look for “Apps and Websites” and you will see all of the apps and websites you linked with your Facebook.
  3. Search and Click “Sportsoho 運動版圖” in the search bar.
  4. Scroll and click “Remove”.

As the “Sportsoho 運動版圖” app is only intended for social login purposes, we only store your email address and name. However, if you wish to have your personal data removed from our system please email us at

「Sportsoho 運動版圖」的登入使用了 Facebook 登入應用。根據 Facebook 的政策,我們必須提供 「Facebook 資料刪除指示」。

如果您想刪除與「Sportsoho 運動版圖」有關的 Facebook 登入應用數據, 您可以按照以下步驟進行:

  1. 進入您的 Facebook 帳號的 「設定和隱私」選單並點擊 「設定」
  2. 向下滾動並點擊「應用程式和網站」
  3. 找到並點擊 「Sportsoho 運動版圖」
  4. 點擊 「移除」按鈕

由於 「Sportsoho 運動版圖」應用程序僅用於社交登錄目的,我們僅存儲您的電子郵件地址和姓名。 但是,如果您希望從我們的系統中刪除所有您的個人數據,請到 填表通知我們。