行山 賽事
賽事時間:2009-04-05 | 所屬項目 :行山

This is an annual ultra distance event of 65k .  It was founded by former Hong Kong residentTony Gover.  Over the years the route has been modified and now is a figure "8" from Wong Nai Chung Gap/Tai Tam reservoir Road junction. The route follows catchwaters and country park paths around Hong Kong island with as short a distance as possible on main roads. "True Grit" runners cover the entire course themselves. There is also a "Whimp" category for pairs of runners who wish to share the distance or run it in relay fashion. This event features some of the more eclectic of our finisher T-shirts.

This event, run around Hong Kong Island, starts and finishes in the lower sitting out area in front of the carpark on Tai Tam Reservoir Road at Wong Nai Chung Gap. You choose your start time (the starts are every 15 mins from 6 a.m. to 10 a.m.) to allow you to finish between 2 p.m. and 4 p.m. If you finish before 2 p.m., your time will be recorded as if you finished at 2 p.m. The finish, however, closes at 6 p.m. so that our volunteers can get home.  We ask that you respect this time and if you are unable to finish by 6.00pm you withdraw from the event.

The course is marked with blue dots with three dots in a triangle at each junction

This event resembles a time trial and is not a race, runners are NOT permitted to use any mobile aid station. You may enter as TRUEGRIT where you run the whole course yourself or as WHIMP where two runners complete the course in a relay manner. The following should be used as a guide to your time: TRUEGRIT - Marathon Time x 2 If you compete as WHIMPS, the CHANGEOVER point is at the Start/Finish.

In ODD YEARS the route starts on the north side of the island and heads EASTWARDS, clockwise towards Mount Parker, Shek O and returns to the checkpoint via Tai Tam and Violet Hill. The course then continues on the south side of the island going WESTWARDS, clockwise along Lady Clementis ride, the Aberdeen country park, Pok Fu Lam Country Park, mid-levels and then returns along Bowen Road.

In EVEN YEARS the route starts on north side of the island and heads WESTWARDS, anti-clockwise towards mid-levels and returns to the checkpoint via the Aberdeen catchment , Lady Clementis, Deep Water Bay Road. The course then continues on the south side of the island, going EASTWARDS, anti-clockwise along the face of Violet Hill towards Tai Tam , along the Catchwater below Shek O Road  crossing at the Hobbie Steps , trail to Tai Tam Road near the Crematorium and then more trail  via Mount Parker returning on  Sir Cecil's Ride.

賽事時間:2009-03-07 - 2009-03-08 | 所屬項目 :行山


宗旨: 提供本地及海外青少年發展計劃。透過為本地、國內及海外地區籌辦及提供義務工作,如社區建設、環境保護研究等,以及策劃歷險旅程,幫助青少年發展潛能。我們的歷險者遠赴海外如印度、馬來西亞、哥斯達黎加、尼加拉瓜等國家的偏遠地區,展開為期長達十星期的艱辛而具意義之義務工作。當中青少年與不同文化及種族背 景的人相處及交流,藉此挑戰自我,增強自信及放眼世界,用行動實踐,回饋社會。
我們的價值:  認識自己、探索世界,勇於承擔、敢於挑戰,誠實正直、關懷社區,熱情主動、行動實踐
·參與社區服務 ,如漁農自然護理署之珊瑚礁普查、沙灘清潔及明德醫院抬轎籌款比賽等其他慈善機 構之各項活動。

賽事日期:2009 年 3 月 7 日 至 8 日 ( 星期六及星期日 )
日期:2009 年 3 月 7 日 ( 星期六 )
登記時間:早上 7:15 - 早上 8:15
登記地點:新界沙田馬鞍山 恆信街 3 號富安花園,「九龍城浸信會禧年小學」

1. 請各參賽隊員於比賽前細閱參賽者手冊;
2. 請各隊伍需全隊準時到達。如未能於大會指定時間登記之參賽者有可能被取消參賽資格;
3. 所有隊員須 出示 指定的個人及隊伍裝備 與登記人員檢查;
4. 各隊伍將會根據其隊伍號碼 , 於不同的登記櫃台進行登記。 號碼布、扣針及電子記錄咭將會於登記時派發;
5. 如要遞交文件或有任何查詢,請先到詢問處辦理有關事項;
6. 起點不設食水供應, 參賽者必須於登記前自備充足飲用水。大會只於營地供應 1.5 公升 蒸餾 水予每一位參賽者,各隊伍必須自備容器盛載;
7. 請留意當日天氣報告,關於惡劣天氣安排及空氣污染指數,請參閱參賽者手冊第 10 頁;
8. 通知家人有關您參與國際雷利 「 山頭霸王 」2009 的詳情;
9. 是項比賽對體能及山藝技巧均有頗高的要求,希望參賽者量力而為。


Green Power Hike 2009第十六屆綠色力量環島行
賽事時間:2009-02-28 | 所屬項目 :行山



Green Power Hike, the largest race along the 50-km Hong Kong Trail, is an annual charitable walkathon for Green Power. In 1994, only over a hundred participants joined. In 2000, it mobilized around 3,000 participants to walk for a green cause. In the past 15 years, more than 31,000 people have participated in the Green Power Hike, raising more than HK$34 million to help realise a green future.

Through Green Power Hike, Green Power wants to inspire people to better appreciate the natural environment, and to raise funds. Therefore, we can implement many environmental, educational and conservation programmes.

賽事時間:2008-12-14 | 所屬項目 :行山

樂善徑(1)萬山之王 北潭涌起步--北潭郊遊徑--北潭坳--赤徑--大浪坳--蚺蛇坳--登蚺蛇尖--長咀--東灣--大灣--鹹田--西灣--西灣亭--北潭涌(全程30公里)

樂善徑(2)千溪海岸 北潭涌起步--北潭郊遊徑--北潭坳--赤徑--大浪坳--蚺蛇坳--蚺蛇灣--千溪海岸(樂善灣)--長咀坳--長咀--東灣--大灣--鹹田--西灣--西灣亭--北潭涌(全程32公里)

樂善徑(3)水管秘道 北潭涌起步--北潭郊遊徑--北潭坳--赤徑--大浪坳--鹹田大浪村--水管秘道--東灣營地--長咀坳--長咀--東灣--大灣--鹹田--西灣--西灣亭--北潭涌(全程28公里)