世界牛奶日 2016 家庭同樂日

World Milk Day 2016 Family Fun Day

Event Image
  • 2016-06-19
  • 港島

Each Entry can only be entered for one category.


1/ 目的 Aims



香港婦聯與菲仕蘭(香港)有限公司一直重視學童以至家庭健康,致力推廣均衡飲食及運動的重要性,鼓勵家長和學童攜手建立健康及歡樂的家庭。為推廣及慶祝世界牛奶日,今年我們首度於2016年6月19日(星期日)舉辦大型家庭同樂活動 ── 2016『世界牛奶日』家庭同樂日,讓學童與家人一起透過親子競技、攤位遊戲學習均衡飲食及運動的資訊,以培養健康的生活習慣,打造強健體魄,齊齊Drink Move Be Strong,同創健康家庭!


Initiated by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), World Milk Day was first held on the 1st of June in 2001 to celebrate the goodness of milk, the natural origin, the nutritional value and the importance of milk for healthy development, which had been spread around many countries around the world.


Sharing the same vision, Hong Kong Women Development Association and FrieslandCampina (Hong Kong) jointly organize the first World Milk Day 2016 Family Fun Day on 19th June, 2016 (Sun), with the aim of promoting the importance of balanced nutrition and regular outdoor exercise for the healthy lifestyle development through parent-child tasks and game booths. Let’s Drink Move Be Strong and Build a Strong Family!


2/ 活動資訊 Event Information

Event Date:
19th June 2016 (Sunday)
Event Time:
啟動禮Kick-off Ceremony: 10:00-10:45
香港中環龍和道 9號中環海濱活動空間(入口近香港摩天輪)
Central Harbourfront Event Space, 9 Lung Wo Road, Central (Entrance next to the Observation Wheel)
Registration Details:
  1. 網上報名Online application*
    Please click [online application] icon at the top of this page and complete the application form in the online application platform

    *網上報名名額:先到先得 ,額滿即止
    Online registration quota is on a first come first served basis

  2. 現場報名*
    Onsite registration is available but no souvenir will be provided.

    The quota of the on-site registration is 100 teams per time slot but the actual arrangement and start time will depends on the event producer’s decision.


Upon the online registration confirmation, every kid of each registered family will receive:

  • 世界牛奶日活動上衣乙件 Event T-shirt 1pc
    豐富禮品包乙份 Souvenir Pack 1pc
    (上載營格區的照片到Facebook 可換取 Upload Posing zone photo to Facebook can receive a souvenir pack)
  • 證書乙張 Completion certificate 1pc
    (完成活動後派發 will be distributed after completing the event)


3/ 活動內容 Event Details

Family Fun Zone


遊戲簡介Game Description


Participants are required to pass through all 6 zones to complete the game mission*:



1. 世界牛奶日健體操 World Milk Day Dance
Drink. Move. Be Strong! 齊齊學跳「世界牛奶日健體操」,同創健康家庭!
Drink. Move. Be Strong! Let’s learn the “World Milk Day Dance” and build strong family.
2. 好動挑戰區 Obstacle Zone*

Participants need to pass through 2 inflatable obstacles which test your flexibility and agility! Are you ready?


*For Fun Family category, parents need to join the Obstacle Zone with their kids.

3. 營養補充站 Strong Kids Zone*

Stay healthy with sufficient nutrients! Participants need to protect their nutrients props that will be snatched in the Strong Kids Zone. Don’t worry! Refill your nutrients props at DUTCH LADY® Energy Charging Station. Full power now? Let’s go!


*Parents can show their support by taking photos and cheering at cheering area.

4. 營格區 Posing Zone


Show us your confidence! Participants need to complete and take photos of the 4 key poses of World Milk Day Dance with their parents and/or grandparents. Keep health, pose now and say cheer!


*參加者需於完成家庭同樂紛FUN ZONE後,把在營格區內拍攝的照片上載至Facebook,並標明 #世界牛奶日。參加者需向工作人員展示已上載至Facebook及標明 #世界牛奶日的相片,方可於換領禮品包。

*Participants are required to upload their photo(s) took at the Posing Zone to Facebook and hashtag #WorldMilkDay after they finish the Family Fun Zone challenges. Participants need to show the uploaded photos with hashtag #WorldMilkDay to the officers before the goodies bag redemption.

5. 一家親健康區 Family Zone*

擁有強健體魄,也需要十足的平衡力!參加者須憑敏捷的身手通過完成平衡障礙的關卡。健康體魄加上家人打氣,平衡障礙so easy!

Participants need to pass through the inflatable balance beam obstacle. Stay healthy, stay balance.



*Parents can show their support by taking photos and cheering in cheering area

6. 腦力挑戰區Memory Zone



Run with your memory! Participants need to memorize the sequence of 4 colors with their parents and/or grandparents. Run to the color spot according to the sequence and do the designated exercise. Then complete the mission by answering a ‘dairy facts’ question!




*“World Milk Day 2016 Family Fun Day Bib” will be distributed to the participants and there are 7 mission listed on it. Participants need to achieve the mission by completing all tasks stat成ed on the bib and redeem the souvenir pack afterwards. (The souvenir pack redemption is only applicable to the participates who completed the registration online)




*Nutrients props are a necessary item for the whole game and it will be distributed to participants at the starting point.


Family Fun Carnival


歡迎任何年齡人士參加All age groups welcome


Carnival includes game booths, natural organic product workshop and balloon workshop etc. Participates have chance to win a little prize!


4/ 活動組別 Category

Race Category
*年齡 Age Group
Age is calculated by year of birth
備註Remarks 費用Fee
Fun Individual
6 – 12歲小朋友一名
1 kid at age 6-12 years old
Every kids who are pre-registration will receive:

  • 完成證書乙張 Completion certificate X1
  • 豐富禮品包乙份 Souvenir Pack X1
  • 精美活動上衣乙件 Event T-shirt X1
Fun Family
(2 Persons)
4- 12歲小朋友一名
1 kid at age 4-12 years old

1 Father/Mother/Guardian
*必須年滿18歲 Aged 18 years old or above



5/ 活動時段 Event Time Slots*

1 09:00 - 9:30
2 09:30 - 10:00
3 12:30 - 13:00
4 13:00 - 13:30
5 13:30 - 14:00
6 14:00 - 14:30
7 14:30 - 15:00
8 15:00 - 15:30
9 15:30 - 16:00
10 16:00 - 16:30

The event is divided into ten sessions, 30 minutes each. Each session with limited quotas will be served on a first-come-first-serve basis

Please select your preferred time slot when register online.


6/ 活動紀念品Souvenirs

Souvenir Pack values over HK$200 1pc


World Milk Day Kids Event Tee

尺碼 Size S M L XL XXL
胸闊 WIDTH(cm) 36 38 40 42 44
身長 LENGTH(cm) 48 50 52 54 58

Tee size availability is provided on a first come first serve basis subject to stock condition during race pack distribution on event day. The organizer does not warrant any request in size.

If particular size cannot be chose in the enrollment system, it means the size is out of stock. Please choose other size options. No change on size options can be arranged after enrollment is submitted.

World Milk Day T-shirt is for kids of pre-registered families only


7/ 交通資訊 Transportation

  1. 港鐵
    • 由港鐵香港站步行約5分鐘,便可抵達場地。
      5 min walk from MTR Hong Kong Station.
    • 由港鐵中環站步行約10分鐘,便可抵達場地。
      10 mins walk from MTR Central Station.
  2. 天星小輪 Star Ferry
    • 由中環碼頭步行約1分鐘,便可抵達場地。
      1 mins walk from Central Star Ferry Pier.
  3. 停車場 Car Park
    • 國際金融中心二期及香港大會堂附近分別設有公眾停車場
      Public Car Parks are located in Hong Kong City Hall and Two International Financial Center. (Two IFC )


8/ 惡劣天氣安排Bad Weather Arrangements

  • 如於活動前一天中午十二時起直至活動舉行前的任何時間內懸掛三號或以上颱風訊號,當日活動將會取消。
    If Typhoon Signal No.3 or above is hoisted at any time from 12:00nn on the day before the event until the commencement of the event, the event will be cancelled.

  • 如於活動當日早上四時或之後懸掛黑色暴雨/紅色暴雨/黃色暴雨,當日活動將會取消。
    If the Black Rainstorm Signal/Red Rainstorm Signal/Amber Rainstorm Signal is hoisted at 4:00am or after on the event day, the event will be cancelled.

  • 如活動因天氣惡劣或其他原因而取消,活動將於2個月內補辦,參加者之參加資格亦將自動轉往補辦日。如參加者不能出席活動補辦日,名額將不可轉贈或轉讓他人。
    If the event is cancelled due to inclement weather or other reasons, it will be rescheduled within 2 months. Registered participants will be automatically enrolled for the rescheduled date. If the registered participant cannot participate on the rescheduled date, the registration cannot be transferred or assigned to another person.

  • 活動補辦日期將在活動網頁及以電郵公佈。
    The rescheduled date of the event would be announced on the event website and via email.

  • 如活動進行期間因天氣惡劣或懸掛上述任何惡劣天氣警告,製作單位的活動總監有權改變活動內容、中止或取消正在進行中的活動,而已進行的活動將不設補辦。
    If there are inclement weather conditions or any of the above inclement weather warning signals is hoisted after the commencement of the event, the event director of the event producer has the right to change the event content, or to stop or cancel the ongoing event, in which case there will be no reschedule of the event.

  • 建議參加者於活動當日早上致電香港天文台(電話號碼:1878200)或瀏覽其網頁查詢有關活動當日天氣情況,及留意活動網頁的更新。
    Please call the Hong Kong Observatory (telephone number: 1878200) or browse its website to check the event day weather on the morning of the event day and refer to the updates of the event website.


9/ 條款及細則Terms & Conditions


  1. 報名事宜 Enrollment
    • 是次活動接受年滿4歲至12歲小朋友及其父/母/監護人參加,並需由年滿18歲或以上人士登記。詳情請參閱「活動組別」。
      This event is open for kids at 4-12 years old and their Father/Mother/Guardian, and only accepts registration by persons aged 18 or above. For details, please refer to ‘Category’.

    • 活動名額先到先得,主辦單位有權提前截止報名而不作事先通知。
      Entry is available on a first-come, first-served basis. The organizer reserves the right to close registration before the announced deadline without prior notice.

    • 年齡組別以登記家庭的小朋友出生年份計算。
      Age category is calculated by the year of birth of the child of the registered family.

    • 登記確認及號碼布及相關物資領取通知將會在活動前一星期以電郵方式通知參加者。參加者需攜同電郵列印本於活動當日召集處報到及領取號碼布及相關物資。
      Event registration confirmation and event material pick-up notice will be sent to the registered participants 1 week before the event day via email. Participants should bring the email printout to the event reception booth and collect the event materials on the event day upon arrival.

    • 任何懷孕或患有慢性疾病如心臟病及高血壓的人士,皆不應參加是次活動。本活動主辦機構及製作單位在得悉或懷疑的情況下,將保留取消任何不適宜參加是次活動之參加者資格的權利。
      Any person who is pregnant or with chronic diseases such as heart disease or hypertension should not join this event. The organizer and the event producer reserve the right to withdraw any such known or suspected participants’ eligibility of participation in the event.

    • 若參加者提供的資料有任何錯誤或不依照正確程序報名,本活動主辦機構及製作單位保留拒絕接受其參加的權利。
      The organizer and the event producer reserve the right to decline any applications with incorrect information provided and/or submitted via improper procedures.

    • 如發現任何參加者作出任何欺騙或駭客或使用空號或假帳戶或以其它非法行為破壞活動規則,其參加及資格將自動作廢,本活動主辦機構及製作單位有權取消該參加者的參加資格而無須事先通知給予理由,並對有關參加者保留法律追訴權。
      If any participant is found to be committing any fraud, hacking, or using empty or false account, or conducting other illegal acts to sabotage the event, the participant’s eligibility of participation will be automatically withdrawn. The organizer and the event producer reserve the right to withdraw the participant's eligibility to participate without giving prior notice stating the reason, and reserve the right of legal recourse against the participant.

    • 參加者登記之參加活動組別及活動時段一經確認, 恕不作任何更改。如未能出席者,即視作放棄參與權利,恕不作另行安排。活動內容如有更改,恕不作事先通知。
      The event category and the time slot registered by the participant cannot be changed upon confirmation. If the participant cannot attend the event, it will be regarded as a waiver of his right to participate and no alternative arrangement will be provided. Event details are subject to change without prior notice.

    • 遞交報名表格即表示參加者接受和同意主辦機構及製作單位之一切安排。
      Upon submission of enrollment, the participant accepts and agrees to all the arrangements designed and made by the organizer and the event producer.


  3. 其他事宜Others
    • 活動地點一律嚴禁吸煙及飲用含酒精成份之飲品。
      Smoking and drinking alcoholic drinks at the event venue are prohibited.

    • 如活動過程中須向大會查詢及要求協助,請到詢問處與工作人員聯絡。
      Should there be any enquiries or assistance needed during the event, participants should contact the officers at the information booth.

    • 參加者須清楚明白上述活動的主要內容及活動性質,並知道此活動需要消耗體力,同時確定健康情況適宜參與是次活動。由於此活動舉行時正值炎夏,預計活動當日將會非常炎熱及潮濕,請自備防曬用品、帽子及驅蚊/防蟲藥。大會建議參加者於活動時須自行留意個人的身體狀況是否良好。於活動期間如有不適,請立即停止活動及向現場工作人員求助。
      Participants should understand the event content and nature and participating in this event requires physical exertion. Participants should be in sound medical condition capable of participating in the event. The weather condition on event day is expected to be very hot and humid as it is held in summer. Sun screen protection, hat and insect repellent are highly recommended. The organizer suggests all participants to monitor their own physical conditions deemed fit and capable for participating in the event. In case you are feeling sick during the event, you should immediately stop the activity and approach he officer in the vicinity for assistance.

    • 參加者必須尊重及遵守由大會職員、工作人員或任何其他本活動主辦機構及製作單位的授權人士所發出的任何指引。
      Participants should follow any instructions given by the staff, officers or any other authorized persons of the organizer and the event producer.

    • 所有禮品不可兌換現金。參加名額不可轉讓或轉贈他人。
      All prizes are not redeemable for cash and the participation quota is not transferable or assignable.

    • 大會為是次活動購買「第三者責任保險」。參加者可按需要自行購買意外傷亡及保障財物保險。
      The organizer has purchased third party liability insurance for the event. Participants may purchase their own casualties and property security Insurance as needed.

    • 參加者的個人物件可存放於大會提供之行李寄存區。切勿攜帶貴重物品,如有損毀或遺失,本活動主辦機構及製作單位將不會負任何責任及作出任何賠償。
      Participants’ personal belongings may be stored at the baggage storage area provided by the organizer. Please do not bring any valuable items. The organizer and the event producer will not be liable for and shall not compensate for the loss or damage of the baggage stored.

    • 受限於適用法例,參加者如因參加本活動或因活動而遭受任何損失,本活動主辦機構及製作單位不會負上任何責任。參加者須自行承擔一切責任。
      Subject to applicable laws, the organizer and the event producer will not be liable for any losses arising from the participant’s participation in the event or the event. Participants will be solely liable instead.

    • 參加者必須照顧其同行小朋友之個人及飲食安全以及小心保管其私人財物,如有遺失,本活動主辦機構及製作單位一概不會負責。
      Participants should take care of the personal and food safety of their accompanying children and take good care of their personal belongings. The organizer and the event producer shall not be liable for any losses thereof.

    • 參加者於參與活動時必須遵從工作人員指示使用各項設備及器材,及遵守使用規則,注意安全。 如參加者因不適當使用各項設備而導致任何損傷,本活動主辦機構及製作單位概不負責。
      At the time of participating in the event, participants should comply with the staff’s instructions in using any of the facilities and equipment, comply with the rules of use and be aware of safety. The organizer and the event producer shall not be liable for any damage caused by the improper use of any facility by the participants.

    • 本活動並沒有提供及售賣食物及飲品,參加者請自備。個別攤位及大會禮品包內有奶類飲品及個人護理用品。參加者請按閣下之健康情況使用或飲用相關產品。本活動主辦機構及製作單位對任何人士之任何種類之損失或任何損害概不承擔任何責任。
      This event will not provide or sell food and beverages. Participants are invited to bring their own food and beverages. There are milk beverages and personal care products in individual booths and the gift packages of the event. Participants are invited to use or consume such products in view of their health conditions. The organizer and the event producer shall not be liable for any loss of any kind to any person or any damage.

    • 關於是次活動的所有物品的所有知識產權(包括但不限於版權、商標權、外觀設計及模型權)及其他權利(包括但不限於標語、廣告資產及概念的權利),將歸屬於及(如有需要)轉至本活動主辦機構及製作單位。
      All intellectual property rights in relation to all items of this event (including, but not limited to copyright, trademark, design and model rights) and other rights (including but not limited to banners, advertising property and concepts rights) shall belong to and (if necessary) assigned to the organizer and the event producer.

    • 受限於個人資料(私隱)條例的規定,香港婦聯、菲仕蘭(香港)有限公司及運動版圖保留以是次活動的所有照片及影片作日後推廣用途之權利。
      Subject to the provisions of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance, the Hong Kong Women Development Association, FrieslandCampina (Hong Kong) Limited and Sportsoho reserve the right to retain all photos and videos of the event for future marketing use.

    • 凡留言含不雅字眼、粗言穢語、誹謗、不實的報導、違法等不恰當的內容,本活動主辦機構及製作單位有權刪除留言及取消參加者資格。
      Where a message contains inappropriate content, namely containing profanity, vulgar language, defamatory statements, inaccurate reports or otherwise being illegal, the organizer and the event producer have the right to delete the message and to withdraw the eligibility of the relevant participant to participate in the event.

    • 任何有關活動的臨時更改或取消,將以大會網站公佈為準(網址:。
      The notices on the event website (website: shall be final in respect of any temporary change to or cancellation of the event.

    • 本活動主辦機構及製作單位保留在任何時間以任何理由增減、修改或刪除關於是次活動的條款及細則或更改此活動內容的權利,而不向參加者作事先通知。參加者須於參加活動前瀏覽有關詳情。如有任何爭議,主辦機構及製作單位保留最終決定及解釋權,參加者不得異議。
      The organizer and the event producer reserve the right to amend, revise or delete the terms and conditions in respect of this event, or to amend the event details, at any time for any reason without giving prior notice to the participants. Participants should review the relevant event details before participating in the event. In case of any dispute, the organizer and the event producer reserve the right of final decision and interpretation and the participant is not entitled to object.

    • 參加者需就因其違反本條款及細則的任何規定或其他任何違法的行為而引起的所有索償、責任、損失、損害、費用和開支對本活動主辦機構作出彌償。
      Participants shall indemnify the organizer in respect of all claims, liabilities, losses, damage, costs and expenses arising from their breach of any provision of the terms and conditions hereof or any other of their illegal acts.


  5. 收集個人資料聲明:
    • 本活動是在參加者自願提供的情況下收集她/他的個人資料,包括姓名、香港身份證號碼或護照號碼(首4位數字)、電郵及聯絡電話。參加者的個人資料只供此活動之用,而在未獲得參加者同意前,本活動主辦機構及製作單位不會使用參加者個人資料作其他用途,並於活動完結後三星期內銷毀。
      The participant voluntarily provides his/her personal data, including name, Hong Kong identity card number or passport number (first 4 digits), e-mail address and telephone number, for collection under this event. The personal data of the participant is for use in this event only. In the absence of obtaining consent by the participant, the organizer and the event producer will not use the participant’s personal data for other purposes, and will destroy the same within 3 weeks after the event.

    • 本活動主辦機構及製作單位將不會於本條款及細則未列明的其他用途中使用或公開任何參加者所提供之登記資料。
      The organizer and the event producer will not use or disclose any registration information provided by the participants for other purposes not listed in the terms and conditions hereof.

    • 個人資料私隱政策可參考:
      Please refer to for the personal data privacy policy.


  6. 參加者聲明

      本人/我們希望參加 「世界牛奶日 2016 家庭同樂日」及其他附帶活動 。本人/我們僅此一同及個別確認及同意本人/我們將遵守所有有關之活動規則及條例及主辦機構與場地贊助機構之臨時安排/ 決定。本人/我們知悉參與活動全是我/我們的個人風險,而本人/我們不會要求主辦機構、場地贊助機構及其他贊助商或其他支持機構對任何引致死亡或受傷的任何類型的意外(除因主辦機構及其中介公司與代表、場地贊助機構及其他贊助商或其他支持機構的疏忽而引致的人身傷害或死亡),或於活動期間個人物品遭到破壞或損失而負責。本人/我們身體狀況良好,具備參加是此活動所需的體能要求,且並未經由合格執業醫生確認本人/我們之體能不適合參加此類型的活動。本人/我們授權予主辦機構、其中介公司及場地贊助機構在活動期間為本人/我們拍照並使用任何此等賽事的照片及影片作菲仕蘭(香港)有限公司的奶類製品與運動版圖有限公司的親子活動的商業廣告及在香港婦聯及基督教香港信義會社會服務部的會員通訊內刊登關於世界牛奶日活動分享之用途,而無須向我/我們付款或賠償,本人/我們明白主辦機構、其中介公司及場地贊助機構須收到本人/我們對此等使用的同意,否則不得如此使用該些照片及影片。


      (本聲明以中文及英文編寫,如有任何闡釋上的歧異,概以英文版本為準。 )



    Declaration By Participant


      I/We, the undersigned, wish to enter a team for the “World Milk Day 2016 Family Fun Day” event and any other incidental activities (the “Event”). I/We jointly and severally confirm and agree that I/we shall comply with all relevant rules and regulations and other ad hoc arrangements/decisions made by the Organizer and Venue Sponsor. I/We acknowledge that taking part in this Event is entirely at my own risks and that I/we will not hold the Organizer, the Venue Sponsor and other sponsors or supporting organizations responsible for any accident of whatever kind resulting in death or injury (other than personal injury or death resulting from the negligence of the Organizer, its agents and representatives, the Venue Sponsor and other sponsors or supporting organizations), or for any damage to or loss or destruction of personal properties during the Event. I/We am/are physically fit, have not been otherwise advised by a qualified medical practitioner against participating in activities of this kind, and have the required physical skills necessary for my/our participation in the Event. I/We grant permission to the Organizer, its agents and the Venue Sponsor to photograph me during the Event and use any such photographs and videos of the Event for the commercial advertising of the dairy products of Fri eslandCampina (Hong Kong) Limited and the parental events of Sportsoho Media Limited and for publication in the members’ communications of the Hong Kong Women Development Association Limited and the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Hong Kong Social Service - Hong Kong regarding the World Milk Day event sharing, without making any payment or compensation to me/us. I/We understand that such photographs and videos may not be so used unless the Organizer, its agents and the Venue Sponsor have received my consent to such uses.


      (This declaration is written in both English and Chinese. If there is any conflict in meaning, the English version shall prevail.)


10/ 報名及活動查詢 Enquiry

查詢熱線Hotline: (852) 2117 1650
傳真 Fax : (852) 2117 0023
電郵 Email : [email protected]

世界牛奶日 2016 家庭同樂日-Photo Albums

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世界牛奶日 2016 家庭同樂日-Comment

Chili Keung : 你好多謝你的支持,請你將報名資料電郵到[email protected] ,我地嘅活動小組會幫你跟進以及檢查你有無成功報名!

Sportsoho活動大使  3094 days ago

Dear Person-in-charge,
I received a message which said that it's full. What does it mean? Can my kids go there on Sunday? Please reply.

T30CYY  3094 days ago

已send email 去,但是係一個自動回覆話“網上報一開始已爆滿,多謝支持。
咁即係點?明明在子母牛奶Facebook 專頁公佈話我抽中,請跟進!我係要confirm email 你哋嘅製作單位話會將於6月12日或之前以電郵發送登記確認及號碼布及相關物資領取通知書。

CL WU  3095 days ago

我己参加了。但没收任何confirmation. plzcheck

Chili Keung  3096 days ago

CL WU:請將你的報名資料電郵到[email protected],我地嘅活動小組會提供協助,多謝支持。

Sportsoho活動大使  3096 days ago

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