Heifer Race to Feed 2016
獎項 Prize:
個人10公里長跑 Individual “10K Run”, 家庭組3公里愛心跑 Family “3K Fun Run”, 1公里x 5團隊接力賽 “1K × 5 Relay Run”
成績 Results:
個人10公里長跑 Individual “10K Run”, 家庭組3公里愛心跑 Family “3K Fun Run”, 1公里x 5團隊接力賽 “1K × 5 Relay Run”
最新消息 News
Race pack pick up notice had been sent.
賽事包領取 Race Pack Pick Up
日期 Date:
14th - 16th October 2016 (Friday to Sunday)
時間 Time:
10:00am – 7:00pm
地點 Location:
Sportsoho Media Limited
Flat A, 1/F, Wah Maw Factory Building, 202-204 Choi Hung Road, Diamond Hill, Kowloon. Hong Kong. (MTR Diamond Hill Station Exit: A2)
如仍未收到領取賽事包通知電郵的者請先檢查"垃圾郵件箱", 亦可以電郵致[email protected]與我們聯絡。
You can check your junk mail box first. Please contact us via email [email protected] for any enquiry.
27 - 9 - 2016
Due to the demand of the participants, the quota of the “Early Bird Offer” will be increased. (Limited quota with first come first served basis).
12 - 9 -2016
籌款網站現已啟動,現在您亦可成為籌款大使,建立籌款專頁,為我們的慈善跑籌集額外捐款。網上額外捐款 或 成為籌款大使: 請按此
Website for extra donation and fundraising has been launched. Now, you can also raise extra donations to support our poverty alleviation work in Mainland China. Donating OR becoming a fundraiser, press here
主辦機構: Organizer: |
國際小母牛香港分會有限公司 Heifer International Hong Kong Ltd |
合辦機構: Co-organizer: |
運動版圖有限公司 Sportsoho Media Limited |
活動日期: Activity Date: |
23/10/2016 (星期日) 23rd October 2016 (Sunday) |
早鳥截止報名日期 Early-Bird Deadline: |
26/9/2016 | ||||||||||
截止報名日期 Application Deadline: |
13/10/2016 | ||||||||||
活動時間: Activity Time: |
08:00a.m. -11:30a.m. | ||||||||||
活動流程: Activity Rundown: |
活動地點: Venue: |
沙田科學園白石角海濱長廊 Sha Tin HK Science & Technology Park Pak Shek Promenade |
起點: Starting Point: |
沙田科學園露天劇場對出 Opposite to HK Science & Technology Park Amphitheatre |
路線 Race Route |
科學園吐露港海濱公園往大埔方向折返 Go and back along Pak Shek Kok Promenade and Tai Po Tolo Harbour |
賽事網頁 Event Website |
http://www.racetofeed.org.hk/ | ||||||||||
電郵 |
[email protected] | ||||||||||
查詢熱線 Hotline |
(+852)2117 1650 | ||||||||||
參加名額 Race Quota |
名額有限,額滿即止! Enrollment will be accepted on a first-come-first-served basis. |
報名表格 Enrollment Form |
下載報名表格 Download Enrollment form |
贊助表格 Sponsorship Form |
下載贊助表格 Download Sponsorship Form |
Event Format & Prize
比賽組別 Category |
活動形式 Event Format |
獎項 Prize |
個人10公里長跑 Individual “10K Run” |
-參加者年齡必須年滿16歲;男女各以出生年份組別劃分。(10個組別) Participants must be aged 16 years or older and will be placed by male/female in different groups according to his/her year of birth. (10 categories) 賽制Format: -起跑時間: 上午8時 (賽道封閉時間為90分鐘) Start Time: 8:00a.m. (Route closure time is 90 mins) |
-每個組別內第1名(冠軍)完成賽事的參加者將獲頒獎杯、獎牌和獎品; -每個組別內第2名至3名(亞軍及季軍)完成賽事的參加者將獲頒獎牌和獎品; -每個組別內第4-5名完成賽事的參加者將獲頒發獎牌。 -Trophy, medals & gifts Coupon will be awarded to the top 1(champion) of each age group; -Medals & gifts will be awarded to the 1st to 2nd runner-up of each age group; -Medals will be awarded to the 4th-5th of each age group. |
家庭組3公里愛心跑(每組2-4人) Family “3K Fun Run”(2-4 members/Team) |
-每隊成員2-4人,其中一位成員需介乎3-17歲及至少一位成員必須年滿18歲或以上。 Each team must comprise of 2 to 4 members, 1 team member must be aged within 3-17 years old; with at least 1 team member aged 18 years or older. 賽制Format: -起跑時間:上午10時15分 Start Time: 10:15a.m. -每隊成績將以最後衝線的成員之時間作計算 Team result will be calculated based on the last member who finished the run |
總成績最快完成的5隊將獲頒發獎杯及獎品。 Trophies and gifts will be awarded to the top 5 based on the team result. |
企業組/中小企組/非牟利、教育及醫護組(每隊5人) 1公里x 5團隊接力賽 “1K × 5 Relay Run” Corporation/Small & Medium Enterprises/Non-Profit, Educational & Healthcare organisation (5 members/Team) |
-每隊共有成員5人,每隊成員必須年滿16歲或以上。 -每名女參加者在計算成績時將獲25秒減免。(請注意2016年10月20日後,所有接力賽參加者的資料將不可修改。) Each team must comprise of 5 members aged 16 or above. Each female participant would have a “minus 25 seconds” benefit in counting results. (Please note that all relay participants could not be revised after 20/10/2016) 賽制Format: -起跑時間:上午9時30分; Start Time: 9:30a.m. -比賽成績將以最後衝線的成員的時間作計算 Team result will be calculated based on the time from the last team member |
-總成績最快的3隊將獲頒發獎杯、5枚獎牌和獎品; -總成績最快的4-10隊將獲頒發5枚獎牌。 -Trophies, medals & gifts will be awarded to the top 3 based on team result; -Medals will be awarded to the top 4- 10 based on team result. |
Remarks: We encourage 5K Relay runners enroll “10K Run” or “3K Fun Run” as well.
Individual "10K Run " Category
歲數組別 Age Category |
出生年份 Year of Birth |
男子16-29歲 Male 16-29 |
女子16-29歲 Female 16-29 |
1987-2000 |
男子30-39歲 Male 30-39 |
女子30-39歲 Female 30-39 |
1977-1986 |
男子40-49歲 Male 40-49 |
女子40-49歲 Female 40-49 |
1967-1976 |
男子50-59歲 Male 50-59 |
女子50-59歲 Female 50-59 |
1957-1966 |
男子60歲或以上 Male 60 or above |
女子60歲或以上 Female 60 or above |
1956 或以前 or before |
Category & Enrollment Fee
活動形式 Event Format |
組別 Category |
最低籌款額 Minimum Donation (額滿即止 Limited Quota)* |
最低籌款額 Minimum Donation (早鳥優惠完結後 After Early Bird)* |
注意事項 Remarks |
10公里長跑賽 10KM Run |
個人組 Individual |
HK$ 200每人per member | HK$ 250每人per member | / |
3公里愛心跑 (共同跑) 3KM Fun Run (Run Together) |
家庭組(每隊2-4人) Family (2-4 members) |
HK$ 200每人per member | HK$ 250每人per member | 以小母牛Moo Moo小夥伴計劃會員報名優惠HK$ 200每人(名額有限,額滿即止) “Heifer Moo Moo Young Partner Program “Member Enrollment Discount Offer-HK$ 200/person (Limited quota,first come first served basis.) |
1公里x 5團隊接力賽(每人一公里) 1KM × 5 Relay Run (1KM per person) |
中小企組(每隊5人) Small & Medium Enterprises |
HK$ 10,000每隊per team | HK$ 12,000每隊per team | 有關企業及機構組的報名詳情, 請聯絡:蘇亦貽小姐 電話: 2575 5664 電郵: [email protected] For any enquiries about the application on Corporation and Organization Category, please contact: Ms Annie So Tel: 2575 5664 Email: [email protected] |
非牟利、教育及醫護組(每隊5人) Non-Profit, Educational & Healthcare organisation(5 Members as a team) | HK$ 4,000每隊per team | HK$ 5,000每隊per team |
*For application by post mail, the deadline of enrollment discount should base on the franking machine imprint.
(新) 1公里 x 5 團隊接力賽 -免費 賽前訓練班
(New Offer) Free Pre-Race Training Workshop – For 1K x 5 Relay Race
全新推出1公里x 5團隊接力賽 -免費賽前訓練班,由資深教練為參加者提供熱身、基本接力技巧指導,助大家提升比賽狀態,跑得更輕鬆、更富樂趣,爭取好成績。
This training workshop is designed for the 1K x 5 Relay runners, conducted by experienced coaches. Participants will learn about warm up exercises and relay techniques that will help achieve better result at the race.
贊助及優先報名次序(上至下): Sponsor & Order of Priority (Descending order) |
名額 Quota |
社區贊助 Community Sponsor |
不限人數 (但僅限於參賽隊伍) Unlimited quota (only applicable to participating teams) |
村莊贊助 Village Sponsor |
農戶贊助 Household Sponsor |
每間公司及機構最多只可派5人,先報先得,額滿即止。 Limited quota on a first-come-first-served basis. Each corporation/organization can send up to 5 persons. |
企業組 Corporation Team |
中小企組 非牟利、教育及醫護組 SME Team Non-Profit, Educational & Healthcare organisation |
*有關企業及機構組的報名詳情,請聯絡:蘇亦貽小姐 (電話: 2575 5664; 電郵: [email protected]) *訓練班日期及詳情將於8月在活動網站內公佈及更新,亦可聯絡小母牛查詢。
*For any enquiries about the application on Corporation and Organization Category, please contact: Ms Annie So (Tel: 2575 5664; Email: [email protected])
*Workshop schedule and details will be posted on the event website in August, or you can contact with Heifer Hong Kong.
活動獎項及紀念品 Awards and Souvenirs:
- 大會設有各種豐富獎項頒發給參賽組別,包括獎杯、獎牌、獎狀和獎品等等;
Various race awards will be presented to participants of each race category, including trophies, medals, certificates and gifts; - 所有參賽組別的參加者完成比賽後均獲得活動紀念獎牌;
A commemorative medal will be given to each participant upon the completion of race. - 所有參賽組別的參加者均獲得活動T-shirt 及活動禮品包乙份。
All participants will receive a Heifer T-shirt and an event gift pack. - 所有參加者可以申請成績證書,每張證書HK$30,將於賽事完畢後2個月內寄出。
A race completion certificate can be provided to participants upon request at a cost of HK$30 each, which will be mailed out within 2 months after the completion of race. - 大會更設有各種大獎及籌款獎項頒發給各參賽組別包括以下:
Fundraising and other awards, will be given to participants with details below:
獎項 Awards |
團隊組 Group |
個人 Individual |
家庭組 Family |
最高的籌款隊伍 Top Fundraising Team Award | √ | NA | √ |
最高的個人籌款Top Fundraiser Award | √ | √ | NA |
最高參與機構獎 Top Participation Award 即所有參賽組別的參加人數總和最高的機構。 For corporation/organization only; with largest number of participants in all race categories combined. |
√ | NA | NA |
小母牛大力量Selfie獎 Heifer Power Fun Selfie Award | NA | √ | √ |
*Final details of awards will be confirmed and posted on the event website.
T恤尺碼表T-shirt size chart(cm)
4-5歲 year-old 110 |
6-7歲 year-old 130 |
XS | S | M | L | XL | 2XL | |
衫長 (Length) | 46.5 | 54.5 | 65 | 67 | 69 | 71 | 73 | 75 |
1/2胸 (1/2 Chest) | 34.5 | 39.5 | 46 | 48 | 50 | 52 | 55 | 58 |
T-shirt size availability is provided on a first come first serve basis during registration and subject to stock condition during race pack distribution. The organizer does not warrant any request in size.
*If there is no option of the particular size in the enrollment system, it means this size already out of stock. No size can be changed after enrollment.
*Picture and color are for reference ONLY.
報名及繳交善款方法 Enrollment & Payment Method
- 以信用卡付款:請「網上報名」頁並登入填寫參賽者資料及以信用咭付款。
By Credit Card : please login here to fill up the enrollment form and paid by credit card. - 直接銀行存款 Direct Transfer
請直接存入 “國際小母牛香港分會”銀行戶口,並保留銀行存根::
Please deposit to the Heifer International - Hong Kong bank accounts as follows and keep the bank-in slip::
- 中國銀行戶口 Bank of China acc.: 012-873-1-051534-9(港元)
- 匯豐銀行戶口The Hongkong and Shanghai Bank: 047-830-997-838(港元) - 支票捐款 By Cheque
Please send the completed enrollment form with cheque or original bank-in slip by post to Flat A, 1/F, Wah Mow Factory Building, 202-204Choi Hung Road, Diamond Hill, Kowloon, Hong Kong and specific “Heifer Race to Feed 2016” on envelope.
報名注意事項 Important Notes on Enrollment
- 參加者只可報名參加屬於自己的年齡組別。(年齡是以出生年份計算。如一名男子於1987年9月出生,年齡為29 歲,所屬組別為男子16-29歲)。
Applicant should register to their respective age group. (Age is counted base on the year of birth. Example, a male born in Sep 1987, his age is counted as 29. His age group category should be Male 16-29). - 參加者必須於2016年10月13日或之前提交報名表及最低籌款額,以確認參賽資格。
In order to confirm the enrollment, all enrollment forms and minimum donation should be submitted on or before 13/10/2016. - 所有已遞交的捐款均不得退回。
All submitted donations are not refundable. - 參加者個人意外保險需自行負責。
Participants are advised to arrange their own insurance cover. - 團隊組別中,以報名表格參加者1為聯絡代表。
For team categories, participant 1 will be liaison representative. - 捐款港幣$100或以上可獲國際小母牛香港分會發出捐款收據,供申請扣除香港稅項之用。所有正式收據將於活動後三個月內發出。團體組別的捐款收據名稱會根據表格所填的「機構名稱」發出,請填上有效的公司/機構名稱。個人/親子組的捐款收據名稱會以參加者1的名稱發出 (如收據需以其他名義發出,請下載並填妥「贊助表格」,以郵寄方式將贊助表格及支票/存款收條寄回活動統籌地址)。
Donations of HK$100 or more are tax-deductible. Official donation receipts will be issued within 3 months after the event. For Corporation/SME/ Non-Profit, Educational & Healthcare organisation category, donation receipts will be issued according to Name of Organisation. Please submit the valid name of the organisation/company. For Family/individual category, donation receipts will be issued according to Name of Participant 1 (Please download and send the completed “Sponsorship Form “with a crossed cheque/bank-in slip by post to event management office for issuing receipt for other sponsors).
贊助方法及注意事項 Sponsorship Methods & Important Notes:
- 支票捐款 By Cheque :
個人參加者或聯絡代表(隊長)負責收集所有贊助表格及捐款支票。每張贊助表格須附有一張劃線支票(抬頭 : 國際小母牛香港分會有限公司)寄回以下地址。
Individual participant / the representative (Team Leader) will collect all the sponsorship forms and cheques from team member and sponsors. Each sponsorship form should be attached with one crossed cheque. Please make the crossed cheque payable to “Heifer International Hong Kong Ltd.” and mail to the below address. - 直接銀行存款 Direct Transfer
請直接存入 “國際小母牛香港分會” 銀行戶口,並保留銀行存根:
Please deposit to the Heifer International - Hong Kong bank accounts as follows and keep the bank-in slip::
- 中國銀行戶口Bank of China acc.: 012-873-1-051534-9(港元HK$)
- 匯豐銀行戶口The Hong Kong and Shanghai Bank: 047-830-997-838(港元HK$)填妥的報名表格正本,贊助表格連同捐款支票,或銀行存款收條正本一併寄回:香港九龍鑽石山彩虹道202-204號華懋工業大廈1樓A室收,信封面請註明「小母牛競跑助人2016」。
Please send the completed enrollment form, sponsorship form with cheque or original bank-in slip by post to "Flat B, 1/F, Wah Mow Factory Building, 202-204Choi Hung Road, Diamond Hill, Kowloon, Hong Kong” and specific “Heifer Race to Feed 2016” on envelope. - 捐款收據
Donations of HK$100 or more are tax-deductible. Donation receipts will be issued according to Name of Sponsors. Receipts will be sent to the participant / the representative (team leader) for distribution. Official donation receipts will be issued within 3 months after the event.
截止提交全數善款日期 :2016年10月13日
Deadline of submitting full amount of donations : 13.10.2016
注意事項 Remarks :
- 有關企業及機構組的報名詳情,請聯絡:蘇亦貽小姐 (電話: 2575 5664; 電郵: [email protected])
For any enquiries about the application on Corporation and Organization Category, please contact: Ms Annie So (Tel: 2575 5664; Email: [email protected]) - 報名申請一經遞交,即代表參加者確認及同意接受一切賽事的規則、條款和安排。
Participants who completed the registration process agreed to abide by the Rules and Regulations of the race that has been signed up. - 參加者會在報名後10個工作天內收到大會電郵確認其報名,如未有收到通知,可發電郵至[email protected] 或致電2117 1650查詢。
Confirmation will be sent to participants by e-mail within 10 working days after an application is received. If you do not receive the confirmation, please send your enquiry to [email protected] or contact at 2117 1650. - 任何懷孕或患有慢性疾病如心臟病及高血壓的人士,皆不應參加是次活動。主辦單位在得悉或懷疑的情況下,保留取消任何不適宜參加是次活動之參加者資格的權利。被取消資格人士的報名費及其他費用, 將不會獲得退還。
Any person who is pregnant or suffering from chronic diseases such as heart disease or high blood pressure should not join the event. The Organizer reserves the right to disqualify any participant known or suspected to be unfit to participate in the event. All application fees and donations of the disqualified person will not be refunded. - 不接受現場及逾期報名。
Late or on site enrollment will not be accepted. - 資料不全者,恕不接受報名。
Incomplete enrollment will not be accepted. - 已寄出的報名或重覆報名,均不設退件、轉名安排及取消服務。
No return, cancellation or transfer for all enrollments, including late and duplicate enrollments. - 大會保留取錄/拒絕及聯絡參加者的權利。
The Organizer reserves the right of contact, accepts and refuses participants. - 選手包(號碼布連計時晶片及活動T-shirt)會在比賽前兩星期通知領取,參加者攜同電郵列印本或用電子產品展示電郵方式領取。
Race Pack Pick-up Notice will be sent to participants 2 weeks before the event day, participants should bring the email print it out to pick up the race pack bib with timing chip and Heifer T-shirt. - 參加者個人意外保險需自行負責。
Participants are advised to arrange their own insurance cover. - 如於比賽前一天中午十二時或之後懸掛八號或以上颱風訊號,賽事將會取消。
If Typhoon Signal No.8 or above is hoisted at any time from 12:00 noon on the day before race, the race will be canceled. - 如於比賽當日凌晨十二時或之後懸掛黑色暴雨,賽事將會取消。
If the Black Rainstorm Signal is hoisted at any time from 12:00 am on the race day, the race will be canceled. - 如天文台於比賽當日早上六時或之後懸掛紅色暴雨,雷暴或三號颱風警告,將如期進行。
Should the Red Rainstorm Signal, Thunderstorm Warning and Typhoon Signal No.3 are issued at any time from 6:00 am on the race day, races will be continued. - 如賽事進行中而天氣轉壞,大會會根據情況而決定賽事是否需要中止。
If Inclement Weather/Condition Warnings is issued after the commencement of the race, Race Director has the right to stop the race. - 如比賽進行中天氣惡劣或懸掛上述任何警告,賽事總監有權將比賽賽程改變或取消正在進行中的比賽。報名費將不獲退還。
Should the above Inclement Weather/Condition Warnings be raised after the commencement of race, the Race Director has the right to change the course distance or arrangement or to stop the race. If the race is being stopped, the race will be cancelled. Entry fee will not be refund. - 本賽事不設補賽。參加者之報名費一概不作退款。
The race has no fallback date. All paid fee will not be refunded. - 請在比賽早上致電香港天文台查詢有關天氣情況。(電話: 1878200)
Please check the race day weather from the Hong Kong Observatory (Tel: 1878200) - 大會保留擁有修改及解釋以上規則的權利。任何有關活動的臨時改動或取消,將以大會網站公報為準。
The Organizer reserves the right of final decision of the event. Any changes or contingent measures for the event announced by the organizer and posted on the Organizer’s web page shall prevail.
報名活動查詢 Enrollment & Enquiries
查詢熱線 Hotline (852) 2117 1650
電郵 Email [email protected]
kicklau 3019 days ago