HKFYG Run For Wellness
11/4/2017 更新 Updat
獎項 Prize
成績 Results
更新: 路線圖
Update: Route Map
更新: 起步時間
Update: Start Time
查詢電話 Hotline | 2117 1650 |
聯絡電郵 Email | |
網上報名 Online Application | 按此 |
為關注青少年情緒健康,香港青年協會舉辦全港首個「背包跑」──「HKFYG Run For Wellness」。比賽設8公里及3公里賽事,並設個人、機構、學校、親子等組別,參加者須一同背起背包及書本,象徵分擔青年壓力,一起為快樂起步。大會紀念品豐富,包括主題背包、運動毛巾、青協書籍、KT Tape試用裝、撒隆適清涼滲透貼、Gatsby潔面紙巾及鴻福堂刺五加能量飲等等。當日出席的參賽者有機會參與活動後的有獎問答遊戲,獲得香港航空首爾來回經濟客位機票2張(2份)、馬拉松訓練課程名額2個(5份)!當日大會更會選出最具創意造型獎,勝出者可獲得TANITA體組成磅乙份。 比賽後設有運動及藝術嘉年華,為參賽人士帶來連串繽紛精彩節目!是次活動所籌得的款項,將用作持續推動青少年情緒健康教育工作經費。
立即報名參加,Run For Wellness!
紀念品 Souvenir
*Photos are for reference only.
*Event Souvenir Bag will be distributed randomly.
活動資訊 Event Information
主辦機構 Organizer |
香港青年協會 The Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups |
統籌機構 Co-ordinator |
運動版圖有限公司 Sportsoho Media Ltd. |
活動日期 Event Date |
2017年4月9日(星期日) 9th April 2017 (Sunday) |
活動時間 Event Time |
上午8時 8:00a.m. |
起步時間 Start Time |
8公里個人賽* 8KM Individual* - 08:00a.m 8公里機構組* 8KM Organization Team* – 08:00a.m 3公里個人賽* 3KM Individual* – 08:05a.m 3公里學校組* 3KM School Team* -9:30a.m 3公里機構組* 3KM Organization Team*- 9:30a.m 3公里親子組* 3KM Family Group*- 9:30a.m |
起步地點 Location |
香港科學園高錕會議中心廣場(金蛋) Charles K. Kao Auditorium (Golden Egg), Hong Kong Science Park |
活動目的 Aims |
鼓勵社會人士為推動青少年情緒健康,多走一步,為青少年情緒健康教育工作籌募經費 To encourage the community to take a step forward in promoting the emotional wellness of young people, and to raise funds for youth emotional health education |
比賽形式 Form of Competition |
*參加者須背著大會提供的索袋背包及書本(書本重量約250克)完成賽事,象徵對青少年所背負的壓力感同身受。(書本將隨機派發,每本書的大小及重量均有輕微差異) *Participants are required to carry the backpack and book (book weight approx. 250g) provided by the Organizer to complete the event, symbolically sharing the burden on young people. (Books will be randomly distributed, the size and weight are slightly different) |
比賽組別 Category |
8公里 (個人賽、機構組) 8KM (Individual, Organization Team) 3公里 (個人賽、機構組、學校組、親子組) 3KM (Individual, Organization Team, School Team, Family Group) |
最低籌款額 Minimum Donation |
個人賽 (8公里 & 3公里) Individual (8KM & 3KM) |
每人HK$200 (早鳥Early Bird) / HK$350 (標準Standard) Per Person |
機構組 (8公里 & 3公里) Organization Team (8KM & 3KM) |
每隊HK$3,800 Per Team | |
學校組 (3公里) School Team (3KM) |
每隊HK$1,200 Per Team | |
親子組 (3公里) Family Group (3KM) |
每隊HK$380 Per Team | |
早鳥優惠截止 Early Bird Deadline |
15/3/2017 | |
證書 Certificate |
HK$30/ 一張 Each (證書將於賽事後兩個月內以郵遞方式交予參加者) (Certificate of Completion will be mailed in 2 months after the race) |
捐款收據 Donation Receipt |
捐款一百元或以上可申請收據作申請扣稅之用。捐款收據將於2017年7月31日或之前寄予參賽者 / 隊伍代表代為分發。 機構/學校組的「最低捐款額」捐款收據名稱,會根據報名表格所填的「機構/學校名稱」發出,請填上有效的機構/學校名稱。個人/親子組的「最低捐款額」捐款收據名稱,會以參加者1的名稱發出。 (如「最低捐款額」收據需以其他名義發出,請下載並填妥「額外捐款表格」,於2017年3月20日或之前按表格上的指示交回) Official receipt for tax reduction will be issued upon request for donation at HK$100 or above and mailed to participants/ team representative by 31 July 2017. For Organization/School category, receipts of the Minimum Donation will be issued according to Name of Organization/School. Please submit the valid name of the Organization/School. For Individual/Family category, receipts of the Minimum Donation will be issued according to Name of Participant 1. (If the receipt of the Minimum Donation has to be issued in other name(s), please download and send the completed “Additional Donation Form” by 20 March 2017. |
參賽組別 Category
距離Distance: 8公里KM
8公里個人賽 8KM Individual
最低籌款額 Minimum Donation: HK$200 (早鳥 Early Bird) / HK$350 (標準 Standard)
(組別以2017年減去出生年份計算Race Category is calculated by year of birth)
賽事距離 Race Distance |
年齡組別 Age Group |
出生年份 Year of Birth |
年齡組別 Age Group |
出生年份 Year of Birth |
8公里 8 KM |
男子16-19歲 Male aged 16-19 |
1998-2001 | 女子16-19歲 Female aged 16-19 |
1998-2001 |
男子20-29歲 Male aged 20-29 |
1988-1997 | 女子20-29歲 Female aged 20-29 |
1988-1997 | |
男子30-39歲 Male aged 30-39 |
1978-1987 | 女子30-39歲 Female aged 30-39 |
1978-1987 | |
男子40-49歲 Male aged 40-49 |
1968-1977 | 女子40-49歲 Female aged 40-49 |
1968-1977 | |
男子50-59歲 Male aged 50-59 |
1958-1967 | 女子50歲或以上 Female aged 50 or above |
1967或以前 or before | |
男子60歲或以上 Male aged 60 or above |
1957或以前 or before |
8公里機構組 8KM Organization Team
賽事距離 Race Distance |
年齡組別 Age Group |
出生年份 Year of Birth |
最低籌款額 Minimum Donation |
8公里 8KM |
18歲或以上 Aged 18 or above |
1999 或以前 or before |
HK$3,800 (每隊 per team) |
每名參賽者限報一隊,每隊人數為3-4名,總成績以首3名完成賽事的隊員時間總和決定。隊員性別不限,可混合性別組隊。 Each applicant can sign up for one team only. Each team has 3-4 members. Result will be determined by the total time of the 3 fastest team members. No restriction on gender and a mixed-gender team is accepted. |
距離Distance: 3公里KM
3公里個人賽 3KM Individual
最低籌款額 Minimum Donation: HK$200(早鳥 Early Bird) / HK$350 (標準 Standard)
(組別以2017年減去出生年份計算Race Category is calculated by year of birth)
賽事距離 Race Distance |
年齡組別 Age Group |
出生年份 Year of Birth |
年齡組別 Age Group |
出生年份 Year of Birth |
3公里 3 KM |
男子12-15歲 Male aged 12-15 |
2002-2005 | 女子12-15歲 Female aged 12-15 |
2002-2005 |
男子16-19歲 Male aged 16-19 |
1998-2001 | 女子16-19歲 Female aged 16-19 |
1998-2001 | |
男子20-29歲 Male aged 20-29 |
1988-1997 | 女子20-29歲 Female aged 20-29 |
1988-1997 | |
男子30-39歲 Male aged 30-39 |
1978-1987 | 女子30-39歲 Female aged 30-39 |
1978-1987 | |
男子40-49歲 Male aged 40-49 |
1968-1977 | 女子40-49歲 Female aged 40-49 |
1968-1977 | |
男子50-59歲 Male aged 50-59 |
1958-1967 | 女子50歲或以上 Female aged 50 or above |
1967或以前 or before | |
男子60歲或以上 Male aged 60 or above |
1957或以前 or before |
3公里機構組 3KM Organization Team
賽事距離 Race Distance |
年齡組別 Age Group |
出生年份 Year of Birth |
最低籌款額 Minimum Donation |
3公里 3KM |
18歲或以上 Aged 18 or above |
1999 或以前 or before |
HK$3,800 (每隊 per team) |
每名參賽者限報一隊,每隊人數為3-4名,總成績以首3名完成賽事的隊員時間總和決定。隊員性別不限,可混合性別組隊。 Each applicant can sign up for one team only. Each team has 3-4 members. Result will be determined by the total time of the 3 fastest team members. No restriction on gender and a mixed-gender team is accepted. |
3公里學校組 3KM School Team
賽事距離 Race Distance |
年齡組別 Age Group |
出生年份 Year of Birth |
最低籌款額 Minimum Donation |
3公里 3KM |
12歲或以上學生 Student aged 12 or above |
2005 或以前 or before | HK$1,200 (每隊 per team) |
每名參賽者限報一隊,每隊人數為6-8名,總成績以首6名完成賽事的隊員時間總和決定。隊員性別不限,可混合性別組隊。 Each applicant can sign up for one team only. Each team has 6-8 members. Result will be determined by the total time of the 6 fastest team members. No restriction on gender and a mixed-gender team is accepted. |
3公里親子組 3KM Family Group(2人共同跑 2 persons running together)
賽事距離 Race Distance |
年齡組別 Age Group |
出生年份 Year of Birth |
最低籌款額 Minimum Donation |
3公里 3KM |
親子1組 Family Group 1 |
父親(或男監護人)(18歲或以上)及一名小童(6 - 9歲) Father/Male Guardian aged 18 or above & Child aged 6 - 9 |
父親(或男監護人)Father / Male Guardian: 1999 或以前or before 小童Child: 2008 - 2011 |
HK$380 (每隊 per team) |
親子2組 Family Group 2 |
母親(或女監護人)(18歲或以上)及一名小童(6 - 9歲) Mother/Female Guardian aged 18 or above & Child aged 6 - 9 |
母親/監護人 Mother (女) / Guardian ( Female) 1999 或以前 or before 小童Child: |
親子3組 Family Group 3 |
父親(或男監護人)(18歲或以上)及一名小童(10 - 15歲) Father/Male Guardian aged 18 or above & Child aged 10 - 15 |
父親/監護人 Father (男) / Guardian ( Male) 1999 或以前 or before 小童Child: |
親子4組 Family Group 4 |
母親(或女監護人) (18歲或以上)及一名小童(10 - 15歲) Mother/Female Guardian aged 18 or above & Child aged 10 - 15 |
母親/監護人 Mother (女) / Guardian ( Female) 1999 或以前 or before 小童Child: |
每名參賽者限報一隊,兩人需共同完成3公里。成績以最後衝線的成員之時間計算,而兩人之間的時差不可超過3秒。 Each applicant can sign up for one team only. Result will be calculated based on the time of the last team member, and the difference of time between the 2 members cannot be more than 3 seconds. |
路線圖 Route Map
獎項 Prize
組別 Category | 獎項 Prize |
全體參賽者 All participants |
獎牌 - 所有按大會規定完成全程賽事的參賽者均可獲獎牌一個 Medal - All participants who complete the race according to the regulations of the Organizer would be awarded one medal |
全體參賽者 All participants |
最具創意造型大獎 - 於大會指定地點拍下照片,造型最具創意的一位參賽者可獲精美獎品一份 The Most Creative Look Award - The participant with the most creative look among all who take photo at the designated photo booth can receive the award |
個人賽 (8公里 & 3公里) Individual (8KM & 3KM) |
各組別第一至第三名可獲獎盃一個 The Champion, the 1st and 2nd runner up of each category would be awarded a trophy. 「最高籌款金額大獎」 |
機構組 (8公里及3公里) Organization Team (8KM & 3KM) |
各組別第一至三名可獲獎盃一個及每名隊員可獲獎牌一個 A trophy would be awarded to the Champion, 1st runner up and 2nd runner up and a medal would be awarded to each respective member. 「最高籌款金額大獎」 「最鼎力支持大獎」 |
學校組 (3公里) School Team (3KM) |
第一至三名可獲獎盃一個及每名隊員可獲獎牌一個 A trophy would be awarded to the Champion, 1st runner up and 2nd runner up and a medal would be awarded to each respective member. 「最高籌款金額大獎」 「最鼎力支持大獎」 |
親子組 (3公里) Family Group (3KM)` |
各組別第一名至第三名可獲獎盃一個 The Champion , the 1st and 2nd runner up of each category would be awarded a trophy. 「最高籌款金額大獎」 |
T 恤尺碼表 T-Shirt Size (cm)
小童尺碼Kid Size | YS | YM | YL | YXL |
胸闊 Width (cm) 半計 | 36 | 38 | 40 | 43 |
衣長 Length (cm) | 48 | 51 | 55 | 59 |
"Kid Size" is only for kids aged 15 or below.
成人尺碼Adult Size | XS | S | M | L | XL | 2XL |
胸闊 Width (cm) 半計 | 44 | 47 | 50 | 53 | 56 | 59 |
衣長 Length (cm) | 64 | 67 | 70 | 73 | 75 | 77 |
All sizes of T-shirt are provided on a first-come-first-served basis during registration and subject to stock condition. The organizer does not warrant any request in size.
If a particular size is not provided in the enrollment system, it means this size is already out of stock.
No change of size is allowed after enrollment.
交通工具 Transportation
公共交通工具 Public Transportation
- 九龍巴士(九巴)Kowloon Motor Bus (KMB)
272K 巴士線往返港鐵大學站(巴士總站)及科學園。
The bus route No. 272K travels between University MTR Station (Bus Terminus) and Science Park. - 小巴 Minibus
The green minibus No. 27 (16-seater) travels between Sha Tin MTR Station (Pai Tau Street) and Science Park.
報名方法 Entry Procedures
網上報名Online Enrollment:
請登入本網頁填寫參賽者資料,及以信用卡(Visa/Master Card) 繳付最低籌款額。
Complete and submit the online enrollment form and make the minimum donation by credit card (Visa/MasterCard).
郵寄/傳真/電郵報名 Enrollment by Post/Fax/Email:
Organisation and School teams, may download and submit the enrollment form [link] according to the instructions provided in the form. (Please do not repeat the registration online)
機構組報名表格 Organisation enrollment form
學校組報名表格 School enrollment form
注意事項 Important Notes
- 若申請者提供錯誤資料、不能繳交報名表及捐款,或不依從正確報名程序報名,主辦單位保留拒絕接受有關報名之權利。報名一經接納,捐款恕不發還。已寄出的報名或重複報名,均不設退款、退件、轉名安排及取消服務。
All minimum and additional donations are not refundable. If the participants provide incorrect information, fail to pay for the minimum donation or follow correct enrollment procedure, the Organizer reserves the right to reject their enrollment. - 不接受現場及逾期報名。
Later or on site enrollment will not be accepted. - 主辦單位保留限制及拒絕接受報名的權利。
The Organizer reserves the right to limit and refuse any enrollment. - 主辦單位保留聯絡申請者之權利,以便查詢有關其報名資料之事宜。
The Organizer reserves the right to contact participants for information regarding their enrollment. - 任何懷孕或患有慢性疾病如心臟病及高血壓的人士,皆不應參加是次活動。主辦單位在得悉或懷疑的情況下,保留取消任何不適宜參加是次活動之參加者資格的權利。被取消資格人士的捐款及其他費用,將不會獲得退還。
Any person who is pregnant or suffering from chronic diseases such as heart disease or high blood pressure should not join the event. The Organizer reserves the right to disqualify any participant known or suspected to be unfit to participate in the event. All fees and donations of the disqualified person will not be refunded. - 參加者將會在比賽前兩星期收到領取賽事包(包括號碼布連計時晶片)的通知,並需攜同電郵列印本或用電子產品展示電郵方式領取。
Race Pack Pick-up Notice will be sent to participants 2 weeks before the event day.Participants should bring the email print-out to pick up the race pack with bib number and timing chip. - 參加者個人意外保險需自行負責。
Participants are advised to arrange their own insurance as appropriate. - 如於比賽前一天中午十二時或之後懸掛八號或以上颱風信號,賽事將會取消。
If Typhoon Signal No.8 or above is hoisted at any time from 12:00 noon on the day before the race, the race will be cancelled. - 如於比賽當日凌晨十二時或之後懸掛黑色暴雨警告信號,賽事將會取消。
If the Black Rainstorm Signal is hoisted at any time from 12:00 a.m. on the race day, the race will be cancelled. - 如於比賽當日上午六6時或之後發出紅色暴雨或三號颱風警告信號,賽事將會如期進行。
If Red Rainstorm Signal or Typhoon Signal No.3 is hoisted at any time from 06:00a.m. on the race day, the race will be continued. - 如比賽進行中天氣惡劣或懸掛上述任何警告信號,賽事總監有權改變將比賽賽程改變或取消正在進行中的比賽。所有捐款將不獲退還。
Should the above Inclement Weather/Condition Warnings be hoisted after the commencement of race, the Race Director has the right to change the course distance or arrangement or to stop the race. Donation will not be refunded. - 如是次比賽因天氣惡劣或懸掛上述任何警告信號而取消,將不設補賽。
No rescheduled race will be arranged if the race is cancelled due to inclement weather or other reasons. - 請在比賽當日早上致電香港天文台查詢有關天氣情況。(電話: 1878200)
Please check the race day weather from the Hong Kong Observatory. (Tel: 1878200) - 大會保留是次活動之最終決定權,任何有關活動的臨時改動或消息,將以大會網站公佈為準。如參加者引起公眾不安,或作出其他大會認為不當的行為,大會有權取消參加者比賽資格。
The Organizer reserves the right of final decision of the event. Any changes or contingent measures for the event announced by the Organizer and posted on the Organizer's webpage shall prevail. The Organizer reserves the right to disqualify any approved participant if a participant commits any conduct which arouses public concern or is otherwise deemed inappropriate by the Organizer. - 如參加者引起公眾不安,或作出其他大會認為不當的行為,大會有權取消該參加者比賽資格。所有捐款將不獲退還。
The Organizer reserves the right to disqualify any approved participant if a participant commits any conduct which arouses public concern or is otherwise deemed inappropriate by the Organizer. Donation will not be refunded. - 參加者必須確保體格適宜參加比賽。參加者必須同意遵守及接受參加者須知及其細則。
Participants must ensure that they are physically fit to join the event. They must comply with, observe and accept the requirements and related terms for participants. - 大會設有行李寄存及水站。
Baggage storage service and water stations will be provided.