水陸繽紛嘉年華 - 夏日競跑挑戰賽
Fun Sports x Water Carnival - Hot Summer Run
更新 Updates 10/7/2017
賽事證書已上載,立即登入 下載證書!
Certificates are already uploaded to the event website, please download from here.
更新 Updates 27/6/2017
獎項 Prize
2公里個人組 2km Individual
2公里小學校際 2km Primary School Team
2公里中學校際 2km Secondary School Team
2公里親子賽 2km Family Run
8公里個人組 8km Individual
8公里團隊賽 8km Challenge Team
成績 Results
2公里個人組 2km Individual
2公里小學校際 2km Primary School Team
2公里中學校際 2km Secondary School Team
2公里親子賽 - 父親/男監護人及一名6-8歲小童 2km Family Run - Father / Male Guardian & Kid Age between 6-8
2公里親子賽 - 父親/男監護人及一名9-11歲小童 2km Family Run - Father / Male Guardian & Kid Age between 9-11
2公里親子賽 - 母親/女監護人及一名6-8歲小童 2km Family Run - Mother / Female Guardian & Kid Age between 6-8
2公里親子賽 - 母親/女監護人及一名9-11歲小童 2km Family Run - Mother / Female Guardian & Kid Age between 9-11
8公里個人組 8km Individual
8公里團隊賽 8km Challenge Team
更新 Updates 16/6/2017
更新 Updates 12/6/2017
Race pack pick up notice had been sent on 10 June 2017. For those who have not received the email, please check “spam mail box” first, or contact the event secretariat
賽事包領取安排 Race Pack pick up Arrangement
領取日期 及時間Pick Up Date & Time:
2017年6月16日(星期五) 16th June 2017 (Friday) 10:00am – 7:00pm
2017年6月17日(星期六) 17th June 2017 (Saturday) 10:00am – 7:00pm
2017年6月18日(星期日) 18th June 2017 (Sunday) 10:00am – 7:00pm
2017年6月19日(星期一) 19th June 2017 (Monday) 10:00am – 7:00pm
2017年6月20日(星期二) 20th June 2017 (Tuesday) 10:00am – 7:00pm
領取地點 Pick Up Venue:
Sportsoho Media Ltd.
Flat B, 1/F, Wah Mow Factory Building, 202-204 Choi Hung Road, Diamond Hill, Kowloon, Hong Kong (Diamond Hill, Exit A2)
更新 Updates 8/6/2017
Updated Starting Time
更新 Updates 8/6/2017
所有組別名額已滿 All Categories are FULL.
主辦機構 Organizer |
香港客屬總會 Hong Kong Hakka Associations |
比賽日期 Race Date |
2017年6月25日(星期日) 25th June 2017 (Sunday) |
活動地點及起點 Venue & Starting point |
香港科學園白石角海濱長廊 Pak Shek Kok Promenade |
報名費 Fee |
查詢電話 TEL |
2117 1650 | ||||
傳真 FAX |
2117 0023 | ||||
電郵 |
[email protected] | ||||
證書 Certificate |
電子證書將於活動後兩星期內於此網站下載 E-certificate could be downloaded from this website 2 weeks after the race |
開賽時間 Starting Time
8公里個人賽8km Individual ; 8公里團隊賞 8km Challenge Team |
8:00a.m. | 1001-2999 |
2公里個人賽 – 男 / 女子 壯年組2km Individual – Male / Female | 8:05a.m. | 3001-3199 |
2公里親子賽2km Family Run | 9:10a.m. | 101AB-299AB |
2公里個人賽 – 男 / 女子 少年、青年組2km Individual – Male / Female Junior & Youth ; 2公里小學校際賽2km Primary School Team ; 2公里中學校際賽 2km Secondary School Team |
9:25a.m. | 3200-3599 |
Result would not be counted if you are not start at the assigned start time.
紀念品 Souvenir:
- Souvenir Tee 紀念 T-SHIRT x1
比賽紀念T-shirt尺碼Race T-shirt Size
尺碼Size | 3XS | 2XS | XS | S | M | L | XL |
胸闊 WIDTH(cm) 半計 | 41 | 43 | 44.5 | 47 | 50 | 53 | 56 |
***於活動當日穿著活動紀念Tee ,可享有特別優惠。
Special offer will be granted to participants who wear event tee on event day.
T-shirt size availability is provided on a first come first serve basis during registration and subject to stock condition during race pack distribution. The organizer does not warrant any request in size.
*If there is no option of the particular size in the enrollment system, it means this size already out of stock. No size can be changed after enrollment.
*Picture and color are for reference ONLY.
賽事組別 Category
8公里個人賽 8km Individual |
參賽組別 Race Category |
出生年份 Year of Birth |
參賽組別 Race Category |
出生年份 Year of Birth |
Fee 費用 |
男子少年I組(13-15歲) Male Junior I (Age 13-15) |
2002-2004 | 女子少年I組(13-15歲) Female Junior I (Age 13-15) |
2002-2004 | HK $80 |
男子少年II組(16-19歲) Male Junior II (Age 16-19) |
1998-2001 | 女子少年II組(16-19歲) Female Junior II (Age 16-19) |
1998-2001 | |
男子青年I組(20-24歲) Male Youth I (Age 20-24) |
1993-1997 | 女子青年I組(20-24歲) Female Youth I (Age 20-24) |
1993-1997 | |
男子青年II組(25-29歲) Male Youth II (Age 25-29) |
1988-1992 | 女子青年II組(25-29歲) Female Youth II (Age 25-29) |
1988-1992 | |
男子青年III組(30-34歲) Male Youth III (Age 30-34) |
1983-1987 | 女子青年III組(30-34歲) Female Youth III (Age 30-34) |
1983-1987 | |
男子壯年I組(35-39歲) Male I (Age 35-39) |
1978-1982 | 女子壯年I組(35-39歲) Female I (Age 35-39) |
1978-1982 | |
男子壯年II組(40-44歲) Male II (Age 40-44) |
1973-1977 | 女子壯年II組(40-44歲) Female II (Age 40-44) |
1973-1977 | |
男子先進I組(45-49歲) Male Senior I (Age 45-49) |
1968-1972 | 女子先進I組(45-49歲) Female Senior I (Age 45-49) |
1968-1972 | |
男子先進II組(50-54歲) Male Senior II (Age 50-54) |
1963-1967 | 女子先進II組(50歲或以上) Female Senior II (Age 50 or above) |
1963或以前 or before | |
男子元老I組(55-59歲) Male Veteran I (Age 55-59) |
1958-1962 | |||
男子元老II組(60歲或以上) Male Veteran II (Age 60 or above) |
1957或以前or before |
8公里團隊賞 (20人一隊) 8km Challenge Team (20 in a team) |
參加8公里個人賽之餘亦可組隊參加團隊賞,無須額外費用。20人為一隊,總成績以首18名完成賽事的隊員時間總和決定。請立即與成功報名參加比賽的朋友組隊,並填妥校際賽報名表於2017年6月8日或之前傳真至2117 0023 或電郵至[email protected]團隊賽冠,亞及季軍隊伍均可以獲得獎盃及獎牌。歡迎各位踴躍參加! Participants can team up with your friends who have successfully enrolled in 20th Anniversary of the HKSAR- Fun Sports x Water Carnival SUMMER RUN 8km individual categories to win the Challenge Team. Each applicant can sign up in one team only. Each team has 20 members. Result will be determined by the total time of the first 18 team members. Please download and fill in the registration form and return by fax 2117 0023 or email to [email protected] on or before 8th June 2017. We welcome running clubs, corporations and organizations to fight for the Challenge! The Champion, 1st runner up and 2nd runner up will be awarded Trophy and Medals. |
2公里個人賽 2km Individual |
參賽組別 Race Category |
出生年份 Year of Birth |
Fee 費用 |
男子少年I組(9-10歲) Male Junior I (Age 9-10) |
女子少年I組(9-10歲) Female Junior I (Age 9-10) |
2007-2008 | HK $80 |
男子少年II組(11-12歲) Male Junior II (Age 11-12) |
女子少年II組(11-12歲) Female Junior II (Age 11-12) |
2005-2006 | |
男子青年I組(13-15歲) Male Youth I (Age 13-15) |
女子青年I組(13-15歲) Female Youth I (Age 13-15) |
2002-2004 | |
男子青年II組(16-18歲) Male Youth II (Age 16-18) |
女子青年II組(16-18歲) Female Youth II (Age 16-18) |
1999-2001 | |
男子壯年I組(19-39歲) Male I (Age 19-39) |
女子壯年I組(19-39歲) Female I (Age 19-39) |
1978-1998 | |
男子壯年II組(40歲或以上) Male II (Age 40 or above) |
女子壯年II組(40歲或以上) Female II (Age 40 or above) |
1977或以前or before |
2公里小學校際 (10人一隊) 2km Primary School Team (10 in a team) |
參加2公里個人賽之餘亦可組隊參加小學校際賽,無須額外費用。10人為一隊,總成績以首9名完成賽事的隊員時間總和決定。請立即與成功報名參加比賽的朋友組隊,並填妥校際賽報名表於2017年6月8日或之前傳真至2117 0023 或電郵至[email protected]。校際賽冠,亞及季軍隊伍均可以獲得獎盃及獎牌。歡迎各位踴躍參加! Participants can team up with your friends who have successfully enrolled in 20th Anniversary of the HKSAR- Fun Sports x Water Carnival SUMMER RUN 2km individual categories to win the Primary School Team. Each applicant can sign up in one team only. Each team has 10 members. Result will be determined by the total time of the first 9 team members. Please download and fill in the registration form and return by fax 2117 0023 or email to [email protected] on or before 8th June 2017. We welcome running clubs, corporations, organizations and schools to fight for the Challenge! The Champion, 1st runner up and 2nd runner up will be awarded Trophy and Medals. |
2公里中學校際 (10人一隊) 2km Secondary School Team (10 in a team) |
參加2公里個人賽之餘亦可組隊參加中學校際賽,無須額外費用。10人為一隊,總成績以首9名完成賽事的隊員時間總和決定。請立即與成功報名參加比賽的朋友組隊,並填妥校際賽報名表於2017年6月8日或之前傳真至2117 0023 或電郵至[email protected]。校際賽冠,亞及季軍隊伍均可以獲得獎盃及獎牌。歡迎各位踴躍參加! Participants can team up with your friends who have successfully enrolled in 20th Anniversary of the HKSAR- Fun Sports x Water Carnival SUMMER RUN 2km individual categories to win the Secondary School Team. Each applicant can sign up in one team only. Each team has 10 members. Result will be determined by the total time of the first 9 team members. Please download and fill in the registration form and return by fax 2117 0023 or email to [email protected] on or before 8th June 2017. We welcome running clubs, corporations, organizations and schools to fight for the Challenge! The Champion, 1st runner up and 2nd runner up will be awarded Trophy and Medals. |
2公里親子賽 2km Family Run |
參賽組別 Race Category |
出生年份 Year of Birth |
Fee 費用 |
親子I組 Family Group I (Run 2KM Together*) (共同跑2公里*) |
父親/男監護人及一名6-8歲小童 Father / Male Guardian & Kid Age between 6-8 |
家長出生於1999或以前及 小童出生於2009-2011 Adult born in 1999 or before and Kid born in 2009-2011 |
每組$150 / Group |
母親/女監護人及一名6-8歲小童 Mother / Female Guardian & Kid Age between 6-8 |
親子II組 Family Group II (Run 2KM Together*) (共同跑2公里*) |
父親/男監護人及一名9-11歲小童 Father / Male Guardian & Kid Age between 9-11 |
家長出生於1999或以前及 小童出生於2006-2008 Adult born in 1999 or before and Kid born in 2006-2008 |
母親/女監護人及一名9-11歲小童 Mother / Female Guardian & Kid Age between 9-11 |
*Team result will be calculated based on the time of the last team member, and the difference.
報名方法 Entry Procedures
網上報名Online Registration:
請登入並填寫參賽者資料,及以信用卡(Visa/Mastercard) 繳付報名費
Fill and submit the online enrollment form and pay your enrollment fee by credit card (Visa/MasterCard)
前往方法 Ways to Venue
可達方法 How to get there |
路線 Route |
班次/距離 Time/ Distance |
272K - 公共巴士Bus | 港鐵大學站 ->香港科學園 MTR University Station ->Hong Kong Science & Technology Parks |
每16分鐘 16 minutes |
27- 專線小巴Minibus | 港鐵沙田站(排頭街) -> 香港科學園 MTR Sha Tin Station (Pai Tau Street) -> Hong Kong Science & Technology Parks |
每15分鐘 15 minutes |
Walk 步行 | 港鐵大學站->科學園白石角海濱長廊 MTR University Station -> Pak Shek Kok Promenade |
約1.8公里 About 1.8km |
獎項 Prize:
獎品贊助 Prize Sponsor
注意事項 Important notices
報名事宜 Enrollment
- 參賽者必須仔細閱讀以下事項。報名申請一經遞交,即代表參賽者確認及同意接受一切賽事的規則、條款和安排。
Participants must study the listed below carefully. Participants who completed the registration process agreed to abide by the Rules and Regulations of the race that has been signed up. - 參賽者個人意外保險需自行負責。
Participants are advised to arrange their own insurance cover. - 參賽者必須確保其身體狀況適宜參加比賽。如有疑問,請先諮詢醫生的意見。
Runners should make sure their health conditions are suitable for the strenuous race. In cases of doubt, please seek medical advice in advance. - 參賽資格一經接納,報名費將不獲退還及不可轉讓。大會將於收到申請後十個工作天內發出確認。如未有預期收到確認電郵,請立即與大會聯絡。
Once the entry is accepted, entry fee and submitted materials are non-refundable & non-transferable under any circumstances. An Acknowledgement Email will be sent to the registered email address within 10 working days after the Organizer has received the application. Otherwise, please contact the Organizer immediately. - 重複的報名,將被算作一個單一的報名。額外的報名費不予退還,並不能轉移到其他申請人或賽事。提交的報名資料將不予退還。
Repeated entries will be counted as a single entry. The extra fee is non-refundable and cannot be transferred to another applicant or race. Also, the submitted materials will not be returned. - 參賽者只可報名參加屬於自己的年齡組別。(年齡是以出生年份計算。如於2007年9月出生,年齡為10 歲,所屬組別為2007年)
Applicant should register to their respective age group. (Age is counted base on the year of birth. Example, born in Sept 2007, your age is 10. Your age group category should be 2007). - 不接受現場及逾期報名。
Late or on-site enrollment will not be accepted. - 選手包、號碼布及計時晶片將會在比賽前兩星期通知參加者領取,參加者需攜同電郵列印本或以電子形式展示電郵領取,各紀念T恤尺碼數量有限,先到先得,派完即止。
Race pack pick-up notice will be sent to participants 2 weeks before the event day. Participants should show the email copy (hard or soft copy) to pick up the race pack with bib number and timing chip. Tee size availability is provided on a first come first serve basis during subject to stock condition of race pack distribution.
惡劣天氣 Bad Weather
- 如於比賽前一天中午十二時或之後懸掛八號或以上颱風訊號,賽事將會取消。
If Typhoon Signal No.8 or above is hoisted at any time from 12:00 noon on the day before race, the race will be cancelled. - 如於比賽當日凌晨十二時或之後懸掛黑色暴雨,賽事將會取消。
If the Black Rainstorm Signal is hoisted at any time from 12:00 am on the race day, the race will be cancelled. - 如天文台於比賽當日早上六時或之後懸掛紅色暴雨,雷暴或三號颱風警告,賽事將如期進行。
Should the Red Rainstorm Signal, Thunderstorm Warning and Typhoon Signal No.3 is issued at any time from 6:00 am on the race day, the race will be continued. - 如比賽進行中天氣惡劣或懸掛上述任何警告,賽事總監有權將比賽賽程改變或取消正在進行中的比賽。報名費將不獲退還。
Should the above Inclement Weather/Condition Warnings be raised after the commencement of race, the Race Director has the right to change the course distance or arrangement or to stop the race. If the race is being stopped, the race will be cancelled. Entry fee will not be refund. - 如是次比賽因天氣惡劣或懸掛上述任何警告而取消,將不設補賽,。參賽者之報名費一概不作退款。
Should the above Inclement Weather Warnings be hoisted, the race will be canceled and without fallback date. Fallback date will be announced later. All paid fee will not be refunded. - 請在比賽早上致電香港天文台查詢有關天氣情況。(電話: 1878200)
Please check the race day weather from the Hong Kong Observatory (Tel: 1878200)
其他事宜 Other Remarks
- 參加者的個人物件可存放於大會提供之行李寄存區。切勿攜帶貴重物品,如有損毀或遺失,大會將不會負任何責任及作出任何賠償。參加者一旦使用此安排,已被假定接受此條款。
Baggage storage will be provided. Please do not bring any valuable items. The Organizer is not responsible for the lost or damage of the baggage stored with us. - 如活動過程中須向大會查詢及要求協助,請到詢問處與工作人員聯絡。
Should there be any emergencies or assistance needed during the event, participants shall contact the officials at the information center. - 所有禮品不可兌換現金。
All prizes are not redeemable for cash. - 大會擁有修改及解釋以上規則的權利。
The Organizer reserves the right to amend or clarify the above race rules.
查詢電話 Enquiry : 2117 1650
電郵 Email : [email protected]
水陸繽紛嘉年華 - 夏日競跑挑戰賽-Comment
chungpo 2783 days ago
alexwong 2783 days ago
huihui 2784 days ago
jacoblee 2785 days ago

alexwong 2783 days ago