Garden Sisisic Hong Kong Triathlon Challenge Race 2017
更新 Updates 3/10/2017
Finall results have been announced. Prize arrangements will be sent to each winner via email. Thank you for your support and participation!
獎項 Prize
半程挑戰接力組 Sprint Challenge Relay
成績 Results
小鐵人組 女子10歲 Super Kid Female 10
小鐵人組 女子11歲 Super Kid Female 11
小鐵人組 女子12-13歲 Super Kid Female 12-13
小鐵人組 男子12-13歲 Super Kid Male 12-13
水陸挑戰II組 女子14-17歲 Aquathlon Fun Female 14-17
水陸挑戰II組 女子18-29歲 Aquathlon Fun Female 18-29
水陸挑戰II組 女子30-39歲 Aquathlon Fun Female 30-39
水陸挑戰II組 女子40-49歲 Aquathlon Fun Female 40-49
水陸挑戰II組 女子50歲或以上 Aquathlon Fun Female 50 or above
水陸挑戰II組 男子14-17歲 Aquathlon Fun Male 14-17
水陸挑戰II組 男子18-29歲 Aquathlon Fun Male 18-29
水陸挑戰II組 男子30-39歲 Aquathlon Fun Male 30-39
水陸挑戰II組 男子40-49歲 Aquathlon Fun Male 40-49
水陸挑戰II組 男子50歲或以上 Aquathlon Fun Male 50 or above
水陸挑戰I組 女子18-29歲 Aquathlon Pro Female 18-29
水陸挑戰I組 女子30-39歲 Aquathlon Pro Female 30-39
水陸挑戰I組 女子40-49歲 Aquathlon Pro Female 40-49
水陸挑戰I組 女子50歲或以上 Aquathlon Pro Female 50 or above
水陸挑戰I組 男子14-17歲 Aquathlon Pro Male 14-17
水陸挑戰I組 男子18-29歲 Aquathlon Pro Male 18-29
水陸挑戰I組 男子30-39歲 Aquathlon Pro Male 30-39
水陸挑戰I組 男子40-49歲 Aquathlon Pro Male 40-49
水陸挑戰I組 男子50歲或以上 Aquathlon Pro Male 50 or above
半程挑戰接力組 女子接力 Sprint Challenge Relay Women
半程挑戰接力組 男子接力 Sprint Challenge Relay Men
半程挑戰接力組 混合接力 Sprint Challenge Relay Mix
半程挑戰組 女子14-17歲 Sprint Challenge 2 Female 14-17
半程挑戰組 女子18-29歲 Sprint Challenge 2 Female 18-29
半程挑戰組 女子30-39歲 Sprint Challenge 2 Female 30-39
半程挑戰組 女子40-49歲 Sprint Challenge 2 Female 40-49
半程挑戰組 女子50歲或以上 Sprint Challenge 2 Female 50 or above
半程挑戰組 男子 30-39歲 Sprint Challenge 2 Male 30-39
半程挑戰組 男子14-17歲 Sprint Challenge 2 Male 14-17
半程挑戰組 男子18-29歲 Sprint Challenge Male 18-29
半程挑戰組 男子30-39歲 Sprint Challenge 2 Male 30-39
半程挑戰組 男子40-49歲 Sprint Challenge Male 40-49
半程挑戰組 男子50-59歲 Sprint Challenge Male 50-59
半程挑戰組 男子60歲或以上 Sprint Challenge 2 Male 60 or above
超級挑戰接力組 女子接力 Super Challenge Relay Women
超級挑戰接力組 男子接力 Super Challenge Relay Men
超級挑戰接力組 混合接力 Super Challenge Relay Mix
超級挑戰組 女子18-29歲 Super Challenge Female 18-29
超級挑戰組 女子30-39歲 Super Challenge Female 30-39
超級挑戰組 女子40-49歲 Super Challenge Female 40-49
超級挑戰組 女子50歲或以上 Super Challenge Female 50 or above
超級挑戰組 男子18-29歲 Super Challenge Male 18-29
超級挑戰組 男子30-39歲 Super Challenge Male 30-39
超級挑戰組 男子40-49歲 Super Challenge Male 40-49
更新 Updates 23/9/2017
出賽名單 Start List
Heat 1
半程挑戰組 男子40-49歲
Sprint Challenge Male 40-49
Heat 2
半程挑戰組 男子18-29歲
半程挑戰組 男子50-59歲
Sprint Challenge Male 18-29
Sprint Challenge Male 50-59
Heat 7
半程挑戰組 男子30-39歲
Sprint Challenge Male 30-39
22/9/2017 重要更新:
﹣ 超級挑戰組圈數由 4 變到 5圈,賽程距離約36公里
﹣ 半程挑戰組圈數不變,維持 2圈,賽程距離約15公里
原定賽程 | 第一次更改 | 最後更新* | 更新路線圖 | |
超級挑戰組 | 15公里 x 4圏 | 9公里 x 4圏 | 7公里 x 5圏共約36公里 | 按此 |
半程挑戰組 | 15公里 x 2圏 | 9公里x 2圏 | 7公里x 2圏共約15公里 |
Important notice
The final update of bike route
Further to the notice of 15.9.2017 regarding the changes of start time and bike route, the final bike route has been worked out so as to minimize the problems along the Wu Kau Tang Village and Luk Keng area.
The new U-turn is now placed at the Parking Space of Bride's Pool BBQ Venue.New route map please click here
Subsequent to the final change:
- The Super Challenge has changed from 4 laps to 5 laps with the distance* of around 36 km.
- The Sprint Challenge, the number of laps (2 laps) remain unchanged but the distance*
adjusted to15km.
*Including the round trip from the Bike Route Start Point to The Plover Cove Country Park Visitor Centre, the distance is around 1.2KM.
The start time of different categories remains the same as listed in the notice of 15.9.2017. Please refer to the followings: Click here
更新 Updates 19/9/2017
Bike course cut off time update
重要更新: Important News:
Bike route update:
賽程 Course |
原定距離 Original Distance |
更新距離 New Distance |
更新路線圖 New Route Map |
超級挑戰組 Super Challenge |
15公里 x 4圏 15km x 4 Laps |
9公里 x 4圏 9km x4 laps |
按此 Click here |
半程挑戰組 Sprint Challenge |
15公里 x 2圏 15km x2 laps |
9公里x 2圏 9km x 2 laps |
The updated start time for all categories here
更新 Updates 14/9/2017
We have Race Pack ready for you! Please follow the selected timeslot and location to pick up your race pack. For collection, you can simply present the email by showing either the print-out or electronic version to our staff. If your friend is taking the event gift pack for you, no letter of authorization is required; all he/she needed is to show a printed copy of the email.
If participants did not pick up your race pack at SportExpo, you can pick up your race pack at below time slot:
領取日期 Pick Up Date |
2017年9月16-20日(星期六至三) 16th - 20th September 2017 (Saturday to Wednesday) |
領取時間 Pick Up Time |
10:00am – 7:00pm |
領取地點 Pick Up Venue |
運動版圖有限公司 Sportsoho Media Ltd. 香港九龍鑽石山彩虹道202-204號華懋工業大廈1樓A室 (鑽石山A2出口) (連結:https://goo.gl/maps/QZokTbyivr92) Room A, 1/F, Chinachem Industrial Mansion, 202-204 Choi Hung Rd, San Po Kong (MTR Diamond Hill Station Exit A2) (Link: https://goo.gl/maps/QZokTbyivr92) |
更新 Updates 11/9/2017
All categories are full.
更新 Updates 16/8/2017
Super Kid are full.
更新 Updates 7/8/2017
Sprint Challenge and Sprint Challenge Relay are full.
更新 Updates 25/7/2017
Route map uploaded.
更新 Updates 19/7/2017
半程挑戰組: 男子30-39歲及男子40-49歲名額已滿。
Sprint Challenge: Male Age30-39 & Male Age40-49 are full.
更新 Updates 16/7/2017
Super Challenge and Super Challenge Relay are full.
最新消息 news:
4-7-2017 水陸挑戰I組跑步距離更新。 Aquathlon Pro run distance updated.
Garden Sisisic Hong Kong Triathlon Challenge Race 2017
比賽時間 Race Date |
2017年9月24日(星期日) Sunday, 24 Sep 2017 |
比賽地點 Race Venue |
大埔大美督 Tai Mei Tuk, Tai Po |
查詢電話 Hotline |
2117 1650 |
傳真 Fax |
2117 0023 |
電郵 |
[email protected] |
賽事網站 Website |
http://hktria.hk/ |
成績證明 Certificate of Achievement |
港幣$30/張 $30 for each |
賽事包領取安排Race Pack Collection Arrangement:
The race pack collection arrangement will be emailed to participants.
報名費 Application Fee
賽程 Course | 報名費 Application Fee | >可退還按金 Refundable Deposit |
費用 Fee | >按金(計時器及計時帶) Ankle Tag and Straps Deposit |
三項鐵人 Triathlon 個人組 Individual |
Super Challenge 這組別名額已滿 This category is full |
HK$330 | HK$100 |
Sprint Challenge 這組別名額已滿 This category is full |
HK$290 | |
Super Kid 這組別名額已滿 This category is full |
HK$180 | |
三項鐵人 Triathlon 接力組 Relay |
Super Challenge Relay 這組別名額已滿 This category is full |
HK$990 | HK$100 |
Sprint Challenge Relay 這組別名額已滿 This category is full |
HK$790 |
賽程 Course | 報名費 Application Fee | >可退還按金 Refundable Deposit |
費用 Fee | >按金(計時器及計時帶) Ankle Tag and Straps Deposit |
兩項鐵人 Aquathlon 個人組 Individual |
Aquathlon Pro 這組別名額已滿 This category is full |
HK$210 | HK$100 |
Aquathlon Fun 這組別名額已滿 This category is full |
HK$150 |
計時器按金:計時器和計時帶,過終點後必須退還。沒有退還的參加者按金(100元正) 將不獲發還
Participants MUST RETURN the Ankle tag and straps immediately after crossing the Finish Line. The deposit (HK$100) will be forfeited if participants didn’t return the Ankle and Straps.
Your deposit will be returned on event day.
。 The full amount of deposit will be refunded to the participant if participant bring his/her Ankle tag and straps to ‘Information Center(Heliport)’ after race.
接駁巴士服務 Shuttle Bus Service
Below are the shuttle bus pick-up points for participants on race day, estimated arrival time: 4:45am
*旅遊巴會準時開出,逾時不候 。
*Please arrive on time.
上車地點 Pick-up point |
(暫定) 開車時間 (Tentative) Departure time |
收費 Ticket Fee * (以每程計算 Every Trip) |
天后TH (去程GO) |
天后:天后留仙街 Tin Hau: Lau Sin Street Tin Hau |
4:00am | HK$60/ 人Head HK$45/ 單車Bike |
旺角 MK (去程GO) |
旺角:旺角洗衣街麥花臣球場外 Mong Kok: Macpherson Playground Mong Kok |
4:15am | HK$60/ 人Head HK$45/ 單車Bike |
沙田ST (去程GO) |
沙田:沙田排頭村(港鐵沙田站B出口) Shatin:Pai Tau Village Shatin (MTR Shatin Station Exit B) |
4:30am | HK$40/ 人Head HK$45/ 單車Bike |
#大埔TP (去程GO) |
大埔墟火車站 Tai Po Market Station 大埔工業邨大埔工業邨大盛街停車場外 Tai Po Industrial Estate Dai Shing Street Car Park |
4:30am-10:30am | HK$15/ 人Head HK$15/ 單車Bike |
#大埔TP (回程Back) |
上車地點 Pick up point 大埔大美督巴士站 Tai Po Tai Mei Tuk Bus Station 下車地點Drop off point: 大埔墟火車站Tai Po Market Station 或 Or 大埔工業邨Tai Po Industrial Estate |
8:30am-1:00pm | HK$15/ 人Head HK$15/ 單車Bike |
#Parking is available in Tai Po Industrial Estate, drivers could interchange our shuttle bus go and back between Tai Po Industrial Estate and Tai Mei Tuk Bus Station.
參賽組別Race Category
(比賽組別以出生年份計算Race Category is calculated by year of birth)
三項鐵人 Triathlon 個人組 Individual
超級挑戰組 Super Challenge 報名人士必須曾於最近三年內參加至少奧運距離的三項鐵人賽事。 Super Challenge Participants MUST have attended triathlon race (Olympic Distance or above) last 3 years. |
賽程 Course |
年齡組別 Age Category |
出生年份 Year of Birth |
項目距離 Race distance |
注意事項 Remarks |
超級挑戰組 Super Challenge |
男子18-29歲 Male Age18-29 |
1988-1999 | 游泳Swim: 1.5km 單車Bike: 60km 跑步Run: 15km |
單車車輪尺寸須為 26 吋或以上,小鐵人則無限制。任何組別不準使用摺車作賽。 Folding bikes are not allowed; and the wheel size must be 26 inches or larger, except for Super Kid. |
男子30-39歲 Male Age30-39 |
1978-1987 | |||
男子40-49歲 Male Age40-49 |
1968-1977 | |||
男子50-59歲 Male Age50-59 |
1958-1967 | |||
男子60歲或以上 Male Age 60 or above |
1957 或以前 or before | |||
女子18-29歲 Female Age 18-29 |
1988-1999 | |||
女子30-39歲 Female Age 30-39 |
1978-1987 | |||
女子40-49歲 Female Age 40-49 |
1968-1977 | |||
女子50歲或以上 Female Age 50 or above |
1967 或之前 or before |
半程挑戰組 Sprint Challenge |
賽程 Course |
年齡組別 Age Category |
出生年份 Year of Birth |
項目距離 Race distance |
注意事項 Remarks |
半程挑戰組 Sprint Challenge |
男子14-17歲 Male Age 14-17 |
2000-2003 | 游泳Swim: 750m 單車Bike: 30km 跑步Run: 8km |
單車車輪尺寸須為 26 吋或以上,小鐵人則無限制。任何組別不準使用摺車作賽。 Folding bikes are not allowed; and the wheel size must be 26 inches or larger, except for Super Kid. |
男子18-29歲 Male Age18-29 |
1988-1999 | |||
男子30-39歲 Male Age30-39 |
1978-1987 | |||
男子40-49歲 Male Age40-49 |
1968-1977 | |||
男子50-59歲 Male Age50-59 |
1958-1967 | |||
男子60歲或以上 Male Age 60 or above |
1957 或以前 or before | |||
女子14-17歲 Female Age 14-17 |
2000-2003 | |||
女子18-29歲 Female Age 18-29 |
1988-1999 | |||
女子30-39歲 Female Age 30-39 |
1978-1987 | |||
女子40-49歲 Female Age 40-49 |
1968-1977 | |||
女子50歲或以上 Female Age 50 or above |
1967 或之前 or before |
小鐵人 Super Kid |
賽程 Course |
年齡組別 Age Category |
出生年份 Year of Birth |
項目距離 Race distance |
注意事項 Remarks |
小鐵人 Super Kid |
男子8歲 Male Age 8 |
2009 | 游泳Swim: 250m 單車Bike: 4km 跑步Run: 3km |
任何組別不準使用摺車作賽。 Folding bikes are not allowed. |
男子9歲 Male Age 9 |
2008 | |||
男子10歲 Male Age 10 |
2007 | |||
男子11歲 Male Age 11 |
2006 | |||
男子12-13歲 Male Age12-13 |
2004-2005 | |||
女子8歲 Female Age 8 |
2009 | |||
女子9歲 Female Age 9 |
2008 | |||
女子10歲 Female Age 10 |
2007 | |||
女子11歲 Female Age 11 |
2006 | |||
女子12-13歲 Female Age 12-13 |
2004-2005 |
參賽組別Race Category
(比賽組別以出生年份計算Race Category is calculated by year of birth)
三項鐵人 Triathlon 接力組 Relay
超級挑戰接力組 Super Challenge Relay |
賽程 Course |
年齡組別 Age Category |
出生年份 Year of Birth |
項目距離 Race distance |
注意事項 Remarks |
超級挑戰接力組 Super Challenge Relay |
男子接力 All Men |
2004或之前 or before 隊員必須年滿13歲或以上 All team members must be 13 year-old or above |
游泳Swim: 1.5km 單車Bike: 60km 跑步Run: 15km |
單車車輪尺寸須為 26 吋或以上,小鐵人則無限制。任何組別不準使用摺車作賽。 Folding bikes are not allowed; and the wheel size must be 26 inches or larger, except for Super Kid. |
女子接力 All Women |
混合接力 Mixed |
半程挑戰接力組 Sprint Challenge Relay |
賽程 Course |
年齡組別 Age Category |
出生年份 Year of Birth |
項目距離 Race distance |
注意事項 Remarks |
半程挑戰接力組 Sprint Challenge Relay |
男子接力 All Men |
2004或之前 or before 隊員必須年滿13歲或以上 All team members must be 13 year-old or above |
游泳Swim: 750m 單車Bike: 30km 跑步Run: 8km |
單車車輪尺寸須為 26 吋或以上,小鐵人則無限制。任何組別不準使用摺車作賽。 Folding bikes are not allowed; and the wheel size must be 26 inches or larger, except for Super Kid. |
女子接力 All Women |
混合接力 Mixed |
參賽組別Race Category
(比賽組別以出生年份計算Race Category is calculated by year of birth)
兩項鐵人 個人組 Triathlon Individual
水陸挑戰I組 Aquathlon Pro |
賽程 Course |
年齡組別 Age Category |
出生年份 Year of Birth |
項目距離 Race distance |
水陸挑戰I組 Aquathlon Pro |
男子14-17歲 Male Age 14-17 |
2000-2003 | 游泳Swim: 500m 跑步Run: 8km |
男子18-29歲 Male Age18-29 |
1988-1999 | |||
男子30-39歲 Male Age30-39 |
1978-1987 | |||
男子40-49歲 Male Age40-49 |
1968-1977 | |||
男子50歲或以上 Male Age 50 or above |
1967 或之前 or before | |||
女子14-17歲 Female Age 14-17 |
2000-2003 | |||
女子18-29歲 Female Age 18-29 |
1988-1999 | |||
女子30-39歲 Female Age30-39 |
1978-1987 | |||
女子40-49歲 Female Age 40-49 |
1968-1977 | |||
女子50歲或以上 Female Age 50 or above |
1967 或之前 or before |
水陸挑戰II組 Aquathlon Fun |
賽程 Course |
年齡組別 Age Category |
出生年份 Year of Birth |
項目距離 Race distance |
水陸挑戰II組 Aquathlon Fun |
男子14-17歲 Male Age 14-17 |
2000-2003 | 游泳Swim: 250m 跑步Run: 3km |
男子18-29歲 Male Age18-29 |
1988-1999 | |||
男子30-39歲 Male Age30-39 |
1978-1987 | |||
男子40-49歲 Male Age40-49 |
1968-1977 | |||
男子50歲或以上 Male Age 50 or above |
1967 或之前 or before | |||
女子14-17歲 Female Age 14-17 |
2000-2003 | |||
女子18-29歲 Female Age 18-29 |
1988-1999 | |||
女子30-39歲 Female Age30-39 |
1978-1987 | |||
女子40-49歲 Female Age 40-49 |
1968-1977 | |||
女子50歲或以上 Female Age 50 or above |
1967 或之前 or before |
*大會不提供單車租借服務 .如有需要,可聯絡大美督龍記單車 羅先生,電話:93098988 (於約賽事當日早上4時30分開始營業).
*Organizer will not provide bike rental service, please contact 'Tai Mei Tuk Lung Kee' Mr Law, Tel: 93098988 if needed. (The shop will be opened at 4:30a.m on the event day)
Each participant will receive one Event Tee Shirt
T-shirt 尺碼Size
尺碼 Size | 3XS 只限小童 Kid only |
2XS 只限小童 Kid only |
XS | S | M | L | XL |
胸闊 WIDTH(cm) | 41 | 43 | 44.5 | 47 | 50 | 53 | 56 |
身長 LENGTH(cm) | 53 | 56 | 64 | 66 | 68 | 70 | 72 |
Tee size availability is provided on a first come first serve basis during registration and subject to stock condition during race pack distribution. The organizer does not warrant any request in size.
If there is no option of the particular size in the enrollment system, it means this size already out of stock. No size can be changed after enrollment.
獎項 Prizes
個人組別 Individual Category
- 如該組別參加者為10人或以下,獎項將頒發給前3名
If the numbers of participants in a group are 10 or less, prizes will be awarded to the top 3 players - 如該組別參加者為11-20人,獎項將增至頒發給前5名
If the numbers of participants in a group are 11 to 20 people, prizes will be awarded to the top 5 players - 如該組別參加者為21-30人,獎項將增至頒發給前6名
If the numbers of participants in a group are 21 to 30 people, prizes will be awarded to the top 6 players - 如該組別參加者為31人或以上,獎項將增至頒發給前7名
If the numbers of participants in a group are 31 or more, prizes will be awarded to the top 7 players
接力組別 Relay Category
- 各接力組別設冠、亞、季軍;冠軍可獲獎盃乙座及獎牌3枚,亞軍及季軍可獲獎牌3枚
Awards will be presented to the top 3 winners. Trophies and 3 medals will be presented to the champion in each category, while 3 medals will be presented to 1st and 2nd runner-up. - 得獎者須於賽後1個月內領獎,否則獎項將於一個月銷毀。
Winners should get the prize within one month after the race. Otherwise, prize will be destroyed after 1 month.
報名方法 Entry Procedures
- 網上報名 Online Registration: 請在本頁上方按「網上報名」並登入填寫參賽者資料,及以信用卡(Visa/Mastercard) 繳付報名費
Fill and submit the online enrollment form and pay your enrollment fee by credit card (Visa/MasterCard)
備註 Remarks
報名事宜 Enrollment
- 報名一經接納 ,報名費將不獲退回。
Once your entry is accepted, your entry fee will not be refunded. - 組別以出生年份計算
Race Category is calculated by year of birth. - 參賽者只可報名參加屬於自己的年齡組別。(年齡是以出生年份計算。如於1976年5月出生,年齡為41歲,所屬組別為40-49歲)
Applicant should register to their respective age group. (Age is counted base on the year of birth. Example, born in May 1976, your age is 41. Your age group category should be age 40-49) - 主辦單位在得悉或懷疑情況下,保留、限制拒絕接受報名或取消任何不適宜參加本活動的參賽權利。(如申請者提供錯誤資料,不能繳交報名表及費用,不依從正確報名程序報名,或患慢性疾病如心臟病及高血壓人士)。
The Organizer reserves the right to reject any application which is not eligible for entering the event. (e.g. Participants who are physically not eligible for the event. People who are pregnant or with chronic diseases, like heart attack and high blood pressure, are not recommended to participate in the event. - 報名一經接納,報名費恕不退還。已寄出的報名或重覆報名,均不設退款、退件、轉名安排及取消服務。被取消資格人士的報名費及其他費用,將不獲退還。
Once the entry is accepted, entry fee and submitted materials are non-refundable & non-transferable under any circumstances.
比賽事宜 Race
單車賽段分段時限 Bike Course CUT OFF Tim
Ting Kok Road Bike CUT OFF 汀角路單車計時站 (烏蛟騰烈士紀念園往汀角路 From In Memory of The Heroic Martyrs Fallen During The War of Resistance Against Japan to Ting Kok Road) |
9:30am |
汀角路的單車計時站於9:30AM結束,如未能及時通過,參賽者仍可繼續跑步路段,但其成績將被列入"CUT OFF"。
The cut off time for Ting Kok Road cycling check point will be 9:30AM. Participants, who could not pass through, can still continue with the running session, but their result will be classified as “CUT OFF”.
烏蛟騰烈士紀念園單車計時站 In Memory of The Heroic Martyrs Fallen During The War of Resistance Against Japan Bike CUT OFF | 9:20am |
烏蛟騰烈士紀念園計時站於9:20AM結束,如 參賽者未能通過,需上大會安排的交通工具折返轉項區,參賽者仍可繼續跑步路段,但其成績將被列入"CUT OFF"。
The cut off time for In Memory of The Heroic Martyrs Fallen During The War of Resistance Against Japan cycling check point will be 9:20AM. Coaches by the Organizer are prepared to pick up and send participants, who could not pass through, back to the transition area. Participants can continue with the running session but their result will be classified as “CUT OFF”.
其他事宜 Others
- 參加者的個人物件可存放於大會提供之行李寄存區。切勿攜帶貴重物品,如有損毀或遺失,大會將不會負任何責任及作出任何賠償。參加者一旦使用此安排,已被假定接受此條款。
Baggage storage will be provided. Please do not bring any valuable items. The Organizer is not responsible for the lost or damage of the baggage stored with us. - 如活動過程中須向大會查詢及要求協助,請到詢問處與工作人員聯絡。
Should there be any emergencies or assistance needed during the event, participants shall contact the officials at the information center. - 所有禮品不可兌換現金。
All prizes are not redeemable for cash. - 大會保留以是次活動照片作日後推廣用途之權利。
The Organizer reserves the right of all photos for future uses and references. - 參賽者個人意外保險需自行負責。
Participants are advised to arrange their own insurance cover. - 賽事變更資料將以短訊或電郵形式發送。詳情亦可參閱網站 http://hktria.hk/
Race updates will be sent via mobile or email. Please read through race information on http://hktria.hk/ - 本活動委員會擁有修改及解釋以上規則的權利。任何有關活動的臨時改動或取消,將以大會網站公佈為準。
The Organizer reserves the right of final decision of the event. Any changes or contingent measures for the event announced by the organizer and posted on the Organizer’s web page shall prevail.
交通 The Accessibility
1. 接駁巴士 Shuttle Bus
- 比賽當天,大會設有接駁巴士接載參賽者到比賽場地,預計到達比賽場地約早上4時45分。
Shuttle bus pick-up points for participants on race day, estimated arrival time: 4:45am - 參加者可憑大會車票 (於領取選手包當日派發),乘坐穿梭巴士
Shuttle bus ticket will be distributed to participants on race pack pick up day - 參加者必須於2017年8月28日(星期一)之前購買穿梭巴士乘車劵
Participant Must buy the shuttle bus tickets on or before 28 August 2017 (Monday)
2. 停車場 Car Park
- 駕車人士可於大埔工業邨停車場停泊車輛, 再轉乘穿梭巴士來回大埔大美督巴士站及工業邨。 [駕車到大美督參賽者注意事項 及 停車場地圖]
Parking is available in Tai Po Industrial Estate, drivers could interchange our shuttle bus go and back between Tai Po Industrial Estate and Tai Mei Tuk Bus Station.[Please read Notice of participants driving to Tai Mei Tuk and Car Park Map.] - 由於車位有限,大會建議參加者使用公共 交通工具或穿梭巴士來回比賽場地。
As parking lots are limited, participants are recommended to arrive race venues by using public transport or shuttle bus.
惡劣天氣 Bad Weather
- 如於比賽前一天中午十二時或之後懸掛八號或以上颱風訊號,賽事將會延期進行。
If Typhoon Signal No.8 or above is hoisted at any time from 12:00noon on the day before race, the race will be rescheduled. - 如於比賽當日凌晨十二時或之後懸掛黑色暴雨,賽事將會延期進行。
If the Black Rainstorm Signal is hoisted at any time from 12:00am on the race day, the race will be rescheduled. - 如天文台於比賽當日早上六時或之後懸掛紅色暴雨,雷暴或三號颱風警告,水上比賽將會取消,陸上兩項 (單車及跑步) 將如期進行。
Should the Red Rainstorm Signal, Thunderstorm Warning and Typhoon Signal No.3 is issued at any time from 6:00am on the race day, the Swim Race will be cancelled but the Run and Bike Races will be continued. - 如賽事因天氣惡劣或其他原因而需改期補賽,運動員之報名將直接轉往補賽日。如運動員不能出席補賽日,報名費將不獲任何退款安排或轉讓給其他人。
If race being rescheduled due to inclement weather or other reasons, athlete will automatically carried forward to the rescheduled date, and your entry fee will not be refunded and may not be transferred to another applicant if you cannot participate. - 補賽日期另行通知。
The date of postponed race will announced later - 如比賽進行中天氣惡劣或懸掛上述任何警告,賽事總監有權將比賽賽程改變或取消正在進行中的比賽。報名費將不獲退還。
Should the above Inclement Weather/ Condition Warnings be raised after the commencement of race, the Race Director has the right to change the course distance or arrangement or to stop the race. If the race being stopped, the race will either be cancelled or rescheduled. Entry fee will not be refunded. - 大會建議參賽者於比賽早上致電或瀏覽香港天文台查詢有關天氣情況。(電話:1878200)
Please check the race day weather from the Hong Kong Observatory (Tel: 1878200). - 大會擁有修改及解釋以上規則的權利。
The Organizer reserves the right to amend or clarify the above race rules.
Dear Stephen,
Thank you very much for taking the photos. These are very precious because this was my very first triathlon race.
terry fok 2696 days ago
天藍 2696 days ago
Thank you KK Lau
kilson 2697 days ago
where to find the race results?
大貓 2697 days ago

Great job KKLau
terrywong 2696 days ago