
1000Cal Music Run Fest.

Event Image
  • 2019-03-30 - 2019-03-31
  • 香港


更新 Updates 3/4/2019

Day1 獎項 Prize
個人組 Individual
家庭組 Family

Day1 成績 Results
個人組 Individual
家庭組 Family

  • Day2 獎項 Prize
    個人組 Individual
    家庭組 Family

    Day2 成績 Results
    個人組 Individual
    家庭組 Family

    更新 Updates 27/3/2019

    建議前往會場路 Suggested Route to Venue

    完整音樂陣容已更新!詳細表演時間表已上載至 #Letsenjoy舞台。
    The completed music performers have been updated! The timetable ha been shown in "#Letsenjoy舞台".

    瑜伽及健身工作坊內容豐富,活動前請留意#Letsburn攻略 內The Yoga Stage 及 The Fire Stage時間表!
    Please visit "#Letsburn攻略" to check out the schedule of workshops in The Yoga Stage and The Fire Stage before the event!

    更新 Updates 18/3/2019

    出發時間 Start Time

    Race pack pick up notice had been sent on 18th March 2019

    領取日期: 2019年3月23 - 25日 (星期六至一)
    Pick Up Date: 23rd - 25th March 2019 (Saturday to Monday)
    領取時間: 早上10時至晚上7時
    Pick Up Time: 10:00a.m. – 7:00p.m.
    領取地點: 運動版圖有限公司
    Pick Up Location: Sportsoho Media Limited
    Flat A, 1/F., Wah Mow Building, 202-204 Choi Hung Road, Diamond Hill, Kowloon, Hong Kong

    如仍未收到領取賽事包通知電郵的者請先檢查"垃圾郵件箱", 亦可以電郵至1000Cal@sportsoho.com與我們聯絡。
    You can check your junk mail box first. Please contact us via email 1000Cal@sportsoho.com for any enquiry.

    Participants who make the enrollment successfully on or after 16th March 2019, the race pack will be distributed on the event day.

  • 活動資料 Event details

    2019年3月30日及31日 (星期六及日)
    30th & 31st March 2019 (Saturday & Sunday)
    West Kowloon Cultural District
    Event Time
    2019年3月30日 (星期六) 30th March 2019 (Saturday) 09:00 - 19:00
    2019年3月31日 (星期日) 31st March 2019 (Sunday) 09:00 - 19:00
    Race and Carnival

    是時候從繃緊的生活中停下來,享受音樂和運動帶來的力量!首個音樂 x 運動大型戶外活動 — 奧園熱血呈獻:1000卡路里音樂路跑 . 香港站 1000Cal Music Run Fest.將運動和音樂結合,希望從不同音樂,帶動運動節奏,透過跑賽、熱血運動體驗、各類音樂表演及演唱會,令每位參加者生活帶來更強大的動力,推動都市人隨著節拍運動,築構健康生活!

    3月30-31日,我們誠意邀請你與本地最強的音樂演唱會製作團隊 - 藝能製作及最受歡迎的運動文化平台 - Sportsoho一同於今年首次開放的西九文化區海濱長廊,面向中環地標,跟著各種澎湃的音樂舞動,在強而有力的節拍中渾灑汗水,以燃燒1000卡路里為目標,享受熱血的運動音樂節!

    It’s time to take a break from the stressful life and enjoy the power of music and sport! Aoyuan Group presents: 1000Cal Music Run Fest., is combining the two elements and energizing people to enjoy sports through diversity of music, running race, workshops and music performances, motivating people enjoy different kinds of sports and adapt to healthy life style.

    Let’s join the sports x music festival with Entertainment Impact, the strongest local music concert production team and Sportsoho Media Limited, the well-known sport media platform. Fronted the landmark of Central, let the strong rhythm of music wake your body up and burn 1000Cal in West Kowloon Waterfront Promenade!
    #letsburn #burnCal #1000CalMusicRunFest

    1000Cal Music Run Fest. 將一連兩天於西九龍海濱公園為各Calories Burners帶來精彩豐富的節目,包括運動x音樂表演、Burn Calories 挑戰站、Stay Fit美食區等;主辦單位更邀請星級嘉賓及本地音樂單位,與Calories Burners一起隨著節拍躍動,燃燒1000卡路里!更多嘉年華內容將於不日公佈,密切留意!

    Wonderful programs will be prepared by 1000Cal Music Fest.! Other than sports x music performance, Burn Cal Challenge Station and Stay Fit Food Area, Celebrities and local music performers are invited to perform during the event and move with the calories burners! Further details will be shown as soon as possible, stay tune!

    The Run
    音樂,是跑步的最佳拍檔!1000Cal Music Run Fest. 將兩項元素結合成跑步比賽。圍繞著西九龍海濱公園的5公里賽道,面向維多利亞港及海濱公園的草坪;參加者能在比賽感受舒適環境之餘,享受音樂及跑步的過程。


    Music is the best accompaniment of running! 1000Cal Music Run Fest. organized a running race which incorporates both elements. Surrounded with the 5 km track along West Kowloon Waterfront Promenade, and fronted the lawns of Victoria Harbour and Waterfront Park; participants can not only feel the comfortable environment, but also enjoy the process of running with music.

    In addition to individual challenge run, there are chill-out run and family run. Participants can enjoy the rhythm and energy of run with family and friends.

    The Smile
    燃燒卡路里可以很快樂! 1000Cal Music Run Fest. 提供舒適戶外場地,參加者可以在西九龍海濱公園中享受有趣的日常健身活動。我們特意打造的活動確保你樂在其中,於活動展現最美笑容。

    It’s great to burn Calories! 1000Cal Music Run Fest. prepared a comfortable outdoor venue for Calories burners to enjoy the interesting daily fitness activities. We are sure that you will show the most beautiful smile on the event day.

    The Dynamic

    Strong upbeat dance and fitness is the best combination for burning calories!

    Relaxing music with yoga can release your pressure and also achieve the effect of burning calories. Workshops at The Yoga Stage and The Fire Stage can power you up with different rhythm of music.

    The Yoga Stage
    Well-known and professional yoga tutors are invited to share their yoga skills at The Yoga Stage.
    Please enjoy yoga with sea breeze and relaxing music, injecting new vitality to your body!
    力量瑜伽 | 哈達瑜伽
    The Fire Stage
    The Fire Stage 將帶來一連串結合強勁音樂節拍的運動體驗,讓大家感受音樂x運動的火花,激起大家的鬥志和活力,誓要令大家on fire!
    Fitness workshops with strong music beats at the Fire Stage will arouse everyone’s fighting spirit, let’s on fire together!
    Power Cardio Dance | 雙人訓練 | 循環訓練

    The Moment
    1000Cal Music Run Fest. 邀請星級嘉賓及本地音樂單位,一連兩天為參加者帶來精彩表演。表演時更加入互動環節,讓參加者與表演嘉賓隨著各種澎湃的音樂一起擺動身體,揮灑汗水!

    Celebrities and local music performers are invited to perform in 1000Cal Music Run Fest. interact sessions will be added during performance, which makes participants move with the energetic music!

    Let's Burn Carnival
    1000Cal Music Run Fest. 將一連兩天於西九龍海濱公園為各Calories Burners帶來精彩豐富的節目,包括運動x音樂表演、Burn Calories 挑戰站、Stay Fit美食區等;主辦單位更邀請星級嘉賓及本地音樂單位參與,與Calories Burners一起隨著節拍躍動,燃燒1000卡路里!更多嘉年華內容將於不日公佈,密切留意!

    Wonderful programs will be prepared by 1000Cal Music Fest.! Other than sports x music performance, Burn Cal Challenge Station and Stay Fit Food Area, Celebrities and local music performers are invited to perform during the event and move with the calories burners! Further details will be shown as soon as possible, stay tune!

    and Application Fee


    2019年3月30日(星期六) / 30th March, 2019 (Saturday)
    2019年3月31日(星期日) /31st March, 2019 (Sunday)

    5KM Rock N Burn Challenge Run (0900 – 1200)
    5公里Rock N Burn挑戰跑 (計時挑戰) /5KM Rock N Burn Challenge Run (Timed Challenge Run)
    - 個人Individual ($330/人Person)
    Pop Kid Challenge & Family Syncing Run (1230 – 1500)
    活力兒童個人跑(計時挑戰) / Pop Kid Challenge (Timed Challenge Run)
    - 個人Individual ($250/人Person)
    活力親子跑(計時挑戰) / Pop Kid Family Challenge (Timed Challenge Run)
    - 2人親子2-person Family ($400/隊Team)
    親子共鳴跑(不計時、只計卡路里) / Family Syncing Run (Count Calories burn ONLY)
    - 2人親子2-person Family ($400/隊Team)
    3KM Chill-Out Run (1530 – 1700)
    3公里輕鬆燃燒跑(不計時、只計卡路里) / 3KM Chill-Out Run (Count Calories burn ONLY)
    - 個人Individual ($250/人Person)
    3公里隊制輕鬆燃燒跑(不計時、只計卡路里) / 3KM Team Chill-Out Run (Count Calories Burn Only)
    - 4 人隊制Team of 4 ($900 隊/Team)
    千卡通行証 Burn Pass (0900 – 1900)
    Free to join all workshops and Cal Burn Carnival Challenges
    - 個人Individual ($200/人Person)

    ##所有參與跑歩活動健兒,皆可同時免費獲得千卡通行証 All race runners will receive a free Burn Pass


    紀念品 Souvenir 參加者可獲 Every Participant will receive:
    1. Garmin紀念Cap帽 Garmin Special Edition Cap
    2. #LetsBurn纪念毛巾 #LetsBurn Towel
    3. #LetsBurn運動水樽 #LetsBurn Water Bottle
    4. 1000卡路里目標達成紀念獎牌 1000Cal Burnt Finish Medal
      1000Cal Burnt Finish Medal will be given for who burnt 1000 Calories within the event.
    5. 1000卡路里音樂路跑紀念Tee恤 1000Cal Music Run Fest. Special Edition Tee
      跑賽選手限定For participants who enrolled in running race
      * 大會將隨機派發不同顏色的1000卡路里音樂路跑紀念Tee恤。
      * Different color of 1000Cal Music Run Fest. Special Edition Tee will be distributed randomly.

    Awarded will be presented to the top 3 winners(For Timed Race Category ONLY)

    5公里Rock N Burn 挑戰跑 5KM Rock N Burn Challenge Run
    - 冠軍可獲獎盃乙座及JBL Endurance Sprint 防水無線運動型入耳式耳機乙部
    - 亞軍可獲獎牌乙枚
    - 季軍可獲獎牌乙枚
    - Trophy and a JBL Endurance Sprint Waterproof Wireless In-Ear Sport Headphones will be presented to the Champion
    - Medal will be presented to the 1st runner-up
    - Medal will be presented to the 2nd runner-up

    - 冠軍可獲獎盃乙座
    - 亞軍可獲獎牌乙枚
    - 季軍可獲獎牌乙枚
    Pop Kid Individual Challenge
    - Trophy will be presented to the Champion
    - Medal will be presented to the 1strunner-up
    - Medal will be presented to the 2ndrunner-up

    - 冠軍可獲獎盃乙座及JBL Endurance Sprint 防水無線運動型入耳式耳機乙部
    - 亞軍可獲獎牌乙枚及JBL Endurance Sprint 防水無線運動型入耳式耳機乙部
    - 季軍可獲獎牌乙枚
    Pop Kid Family Challenge
    - Trophy, medals and a JBL Endurance Sprint Waterproof Wireless In-Ear Sport Headphones will be presented to the Champion
    - Trophy, medals and a JBL Endurance Sprint Waterproof Wireless In-Ear Sport Headphones will be presented to the 1st runner-up
    - Trophy and medals will be presented to the 2nd runner-up

    活動查詢 Enquiry 電話 Hotline : 2117 1650
    電郵 Email: 1000Cal@sportsoho.com
    活動網站 Website www.1000Calmusicrun.com

    賽事組別 Category

    個人5公里Rock N Burn 挑戰跑
    5KM Rock N Burn Challenge Run (Individual)

    年齡組別以出生年份計算 Age category is calculated by year of birth.

    個人5公里Rock N Burn 挑戰跑
    5KM Rock N Burn Challenge Run (Individual)
    個人Individual ($330/人Person)
    Race Distance
    Age Category
    Year of Birth
    5 KM
    Male aged 12-13
    Female aged 12-13
    Male aged 14-15
    Female aged 14-15
    Male aged 16-19
    Female aged 16-19
    男子 20-29歲
    Male aged 20-29
    女子 20-29歲
    Female aged 20-29
    男子 30-39歲
    Male aged 30-39
    女子 30-39歲
    Female aged 30-39
    男子 40-49歲
    Male aged 40-49
    女子 40-49歲
    Female aged 40-49
    男子 50-59歲
    Male aged 50-59
    Female aged 50 or above
    1960-1969 1969年或以前
    or before
    Male aged 60 or above
      1959年或以前 or before  
    Pop Kid Challenge
    活力兒童個人跑 (男子)
    Pop Kid Challenge (Boys)

    - 個人Individual ($250/人Person)
      活力兒童個人跑 (女子) Pop Kid Challenge (Girls)
    - 個人Individual ($250/人Person)
    年齡組別 Age Group 出生年份 Year of birth 賽事距離 Race Distance   年齡組別 Age Group 出生年份 Year of birth 賽事距離 Race Distance
    6歲 year-old 2013 500米M   6歲 year-old 2013 500米M
    7歲 year-old 2012   7歲 year-old 2012
    8歲 year-old 2011 1000米M   8歲 year-old 2011 1000米M
    9歲 year-old 2010   9歲 year-old 2010
    10歲 year-old 2009 2000米M   10歲 year-old 2009 2000米M
    11歲 year-old 2008   11歲 year-old 2008
    Pop Kid Family Challenge
    Pop Kid Family Challenge
    (每隊需由一位4 - 11歲小朋友及家長組成,成績會以最後一位隊員衝線時間作計算)
    (Each team must be combined of one kid aged 4-11 and parent, result will be perceived as finish time of the final team member)
    - 2人親子2-person Family ($400/隊Team)
    年齡組別 Age Group 出生年份 Year of birth 賽事距離 Race Distance 每隊人數 Person per team
    4 - 5歲 year-old 2014 - 2015 500米M
    (2人一隊; 共同跑)
    (2 runners in a team; run together)
    小朋友Kid x 1 + 家長Parent x 1
    6 - 7歲 year-old 2012 - 2013 1000米M
    (2人一隊; 共同跑)
    (2 runners in a team; run together)
    8 - 9歲 year-old 2010 - 2011
    10 - 11歲 year-old 2008 - 2009 2000米M
    (2人一隊; 共同跑)
    (2 runners in a team; run together)
    Family Syncing Run
    Family Syncing Run
    (每隊需由一位4 - 11歲小朋友及家長組成)
    (Each team must be comprised of one kid of age 4-11 and one parent)
    2人親子2-person Family ($400/隊Team)
    年齡組別 Age Group 出生年份 Year of birth 賽事距離 Race Distance 每隊人數 Person per team
    4 – 11歲 year-old 2008 - 2015 1000米M
    (2人一隊; 共同跑)
    (2 runners in a team; run together)
    小朋友Kid x 1 + 家長Parent x 1
    3公里輕鬆燃燒跑 (繽紛不計時、只計卡路里)
    3KM Chill-Out Run (Non-timed fun run. Only Calories will be counted)
    • 個人Individual ($250/人Person)
    Race Distance
    Year of Birth
    Start time
    3 KM
    Aged 10 or above
    2009 or before 15:30 – 15:59
    16:00 – 16:29
    16:30 – 16:59
    3KM Team Chill-Out Run (Only Calories will be counted)
    • 4 人隊制Team of 4 ($900 隊/Team)
    3KM Team Chill-Out Run (Count Calories Burn Only)
    Race Distance
    Year of Birth
    Start time
    3 KM
    Aged 10 or above
    2009 or before 15:30 – 15:59
    16:00 – 16:29
    16:30 – 16:59

    活動紀念品 Souvenir

    參加者可獲 Every Participant will receive:

    1. Garmin紀念Cap帽 Garmin Special Edition Cap
    2. #LetsBurn纪念毛巾 #LetsBurn Towel
    3. #LetsBurn運動水樽 #LetsBurn Water Bottle
    4. 1000卡路里目標達成紀念獎牌 1000Cal Burnt Finish Medal
      1000Cal Burnt Finish Medal will be given for who burnt 1000 Calories within the event
    5. 1000卡路里音樂路跑紀念Tee恤 1000Cal Music Run Fest. Special Edition Tee
      跑賽選手限定For participants who enrolled in running race

    * 大會將隨機派發不同顏色的1000卡路里音樂路跑紀念Tee恤。
    * Different color of 1000Cal Music Run Fest. Special Edition Tee will be distributed randomly.

    T-恤尺碼表 T-Shirt Size

    (Size requested is subjected to stock availability. T-shirt size is for reference only.)

    小童尺碼 Kid Size Chart (cm)
    尺碼 Size XS S M L
    胸 Chest 36 38 41 43
    成人尺碼 Adult Size Chart (cm)
    尺碼 Size XS S M L XL
    胸 Chest 44.5 47 50 53 56

    ^If there is no option of the particular size in the enrollment system, it means this size already out of stock. No size can be changed after enrollment.

    活動時間表 Event Schedule

    30th March, 2019 (Saturday)
    31st March, 2019 (Sunday)
    10:00 – 12:00 5公里Rock N Burn挑戰跑 (計時挑戰)
    5KM Rock N Burn Challenge Run
    5公里Rock N Burn挑戰跑 (計時挑戰)
    5KM Rock N Burn Challenge Run
    14:30 – 15:30 活力兒童個人跑
    Pop Kid Challenge
    Pop Kid Family Challenge
    Family Syncing Run
    Pop Kid Challenge
    Pop Kid Family Challenge
    Family Syncing Run
    16:00 – 17:30 3公里輕鬆燃燒跑
    3KM Chill-Out Run
    3KM Chill-Out Run
    18:00 – 19:00 壓軸音樂表演:
    Final Mega Music Show:
    Nowhere Boys
    Final Mega Music Show:

    *節目時間表如有更改,恕不另行通知。Programmes are subject to changes without prior notice.

    音樂單位表演時間表 SHOW TIME

    表演時間 Time 表演單位 Performer 表演位置 Location
    Day 1 30/03/2019
    09:00 - 09:30 PsycLover Main Stage
    10:30 - 11: 00 Freeup Jam Busking Stage
    11:00 - 11: 30 PsycLover
    16:00 - 16:30 52Hertz
    16:30 - 17:00 Cassette 卡式帶樂團 Main Stage
    18:00 - 19:00
    Nowhere Boys / ToNick / Yellow! / 秋紅
    Day 2 31/03/2019
    09:30 - 10:00 Chonotenk 超能天氣 Main Stage
    10:30 - 11: 00 52Hertz Busking Stage
    11:00 - 11: 30 Chonotenk 超能天氣
    14:30 - 15:00 Hey Joe Trio
    15:00 - 15:30 Freeup Jam
    16:00 - 16:30 Hey Joe Trio Main Stage
    17:30 - 18:00 Carrier帶茵者
    18:00 - 19:00
    MastaMic / Mirror / 農夫FAMA

    瑜伽workshop時間表Schedule of yoga workshops

    30/3/2019 導師
    31/3/2019 導師
    10:30 - 11:30 哈達瑜伽
    Hatha Yoga
    EVA 哈達瑜伽
    Hatha Yoga
    11:30- 12:30 力量瑜伽
    Power Yoga
    Lucas 跑步瑜伽
    Yoga for Runners
    12:30 - 13:30 流瑜伽 - 上肢平衡
    Flow Yoga w/ Arm Balancing
    ChauKei 哈達瑜伽
    Hatha Yoga
    13:30 - 14:30 力量瑜伽
    Power Yoga
    Lucas 跑步瑜伽
    Yoga for Runners
    14:30 - 15:30 流瑜伽 - 開髖伸展
    Flow Yoga w/ Hips Opening
    Cecile 流瑜伽
    Flow Yoga
    15:30 - 16:30 流瑜伽
    Flow Yoga
    Nicola 背部伸展瑜伽
    Yoga for Back Care
    16:30 - 17:30 背部伸展瑜伽
    Yoga for Back Care
    Sophie 流瑜伽 - 開髖伸展
    Flow Yoga w/ Hips Opening

    體能訓練時間表Schedule of fitness workshops

    30/3/2019 導師
    31/3/2019 導師
    10:30 - 11:30 動感舞蹈
    Power Cardio Dance
    Dick Ng 10:00 - 11:00 循環訓練
    Circuit Training
    Don Lei
    11:30- 12:30 循環訓練
    Circuit Training
    Lisa Cheng 11:00- 12:00 雙人訓練
    Partner Training
    Sammy Tam & Victoria Wong
    12:30 - 13:30 高強度間歇訓練
    Alex Au Yeung 12:00 - 13:00 高強度間歇訓練
    Alex Au Yeung
    13:30 - 14:30 間歇訓練
    Dick Ng 13:00 - 14:00 動感舞蹈
    Power Cardio Dance
    Dick Ng
    14:30 - 15:30 雙人訓練
    Partner Training
    Sammy Tam & Takako Li 14:00 - 15:00 循環訓練
    Circuit Training
    Lisa Cheng
    15:30 - 16:30 循環訓練
    Circuit Training
    Don Lei 15:00 - 16:00 動感舞蹈
    Power Cardio Dance
    Dick Ng
    16:30 - 17:00 Band Show / 16:00 - 16:30 Band Show /
    17:00 - 17:45 高強度間歇訓練
    Alex Au Yeung 16:30 - 17:30 Tabata
    Sammy Tam

    報名方法 Entry Procedures

    • 網上報名 Online Registration:
      請在本頁上方按「網上報名」並登入填寫參賽者資料,及以信用卡(Visa/Mastercard) 繳付報名費
      Fill and submit the online enrollment form and pay your enrollment fee by credit card (Visa/MasterCard)

    注意事項 Important notices

    報名事宜 Enrollment

    • 參加者必須仔細閱讀以下事項。報名申請一經遞交,即代表參加者確認及同意接受一切活動的規則、條款和安排。
      Participants must study the rules and regulations listed below carefully. Participants who completed the registration process agreed to be abided by the rules and regulations of the event that has been signed up.
    • 參加資格一經接納,報名費將不獲退還及不可轉讓。大會將於收到申請後十個工作天內發出確認。如未有預期收到確認電郵,請立即與大會聯絡。
      Once the entry is accepted, entry fee is non-refundable & non-transferable under any circumstances. An acknowledgement email will be sent to the registered email address within 10 working days after the Organiser has received the registration. Otherwise, please contact the Organiser immediately.
    • 重複的報名,將被算作一個單一的報名。額外的報名費不予退還,並不能轉移到其他申請人或其他賽事。提交的報名資料將不予退還。
      Repeated entries will be counted as a single entry. The extra fee is non-refundable and cannot be transferred to another applicant or other race. Also, the submitted form and information will not be returned.
    • 不接受現場及逾期報名。
      Late or on-site enrolment will not be accepted.
    賽事包 Race Pack

    • 成功報名的參加者將會收到一封確認電郵。假如您於登記後未有收到有關的確認電郵,請聯絡我們(電郵1000Cal@sportsoho.com;電話:(852) 2117 1650)。
      A confirmation email will be sent to the participants upon successful registration. If you do not receive the confirmation email after your registration, please contact us by email 1000Cal@sportsoho.com or call (852) 2117 1650 for assistance.
    • 有關賽事包的領取通知將於活動前二星期以電郵方式通知參加者。
      An email notice regarding collection of race pack will be sent to the registered participants two week before the event day.
    • 參加者需攜同通知電郵列印本或出示有關通知電郵以領取活動物資。
      Participants show either the printout or electronic version of the notification email to our staff to collect the event materials.
    健康與安全提示 Health and safety advice

    • 參加者必須確保其身體狀況適宜參加比賽。如有疑問,請先諮詢醫生的意見。
      Participants should make sure their health conditions are suitable for the strenuous race. In cases of doubt, please seek medical advice in advance.
    • 參加者須清楚明白活動內容及活動性質,並知道此活動需要消耗體力,同時確定健康情況適宜參與是次活動。主辦機構建議所有參賽者於活動時自行留意個人的身體狀況是否良好及是否適合參與活動。於活動期間如有不適,請立即停止活動及向現場工作人員求助。
      Participants should understand the event content and nature and participating in this event requires physical exertion. Participants should be in sound medical condition capable of participating in the event. The Organiser suggests all participants to monitor their own physical conditions deemed fit and capable for participating in the event. In case you are feeling sick during the event, you should immediately stop the activity and do seek help from the onsite race officials.
    • 參加者請自行進行防曬措施,例如自備防曬用品、配戴帽子及多喝水。
      Participants should take protective measures against UV, such as applying sunscreen, wearing caps and drinking water.
    • 任何懷孕或患有慢性疾病如心臟病及高血壓的人士,皆不應參加是次活動。
      People who are pregnant or with chronic diseases, like heart disease and high blood pressure, are not recommended to participate in the event.
    • 主辦機構在得悉或懷疑的情況下,將保留權利取消任何不適宜參加是次活動之參加者的資格。
      The Organiser reserve the right to disallow or disqualify any person who is known or suspected to be physically unfit to participate in the event and such person shall accept.
    • 主辦機構已就是次活動購置公眾責任保險,然而亦建議參加者自行購買個人意外保險。
      Public liability insurance is covered by the organiser by the event. Participants are also advised to purchase their own insurance cover if necessary.
    惡劣天氣 Bad Weather

    • 如於活動前一天中午十二時或之後懸掛八號或以上颱風訊號,當日活動將會取消。
      If Typhoon Signal No.8 or above is hoisted at any time from12:00nn on the day before event, the event will be cancelled.
    • 如於活動當日早上四時或之後懸掛黑色暴雨,當日活動將會取消。
      If the Black Rainstorm Signal is hoisted at any time from 4:00 am on the event day, the event will be cancelled.
    • 如活動前懸掛上述任何警告而取消活動,將不設補賽,報名費將不獲退還。
      If the race is cancelled due to the above Inclement Weather/Condition Warnings were hoisted, No refund or no rescheduled will be made.
    • 如活動進行中天氣惡劣或懸掛上述任何警告,活動總監有權將活動路線改變或取消正在進行中的活動。報名費將不獲退還。
      If the above Inclement Weather/Condition Warnings be hoisted after the commencement of race, the Event Director has the right to change the event distance or event arrangement or to stop the event. Entry Fee will not be refund.
    • 大會建議參加者於活動早上致電或瀏覽香港天文台查詢有關天氣情況。(電話:1878200)
      Please check the event day weather from the Hong Kong Observatory (Tel: 1878200).
    • 請留意運動版圖有限公司的Facebook及此活動網頁的最新消息。
      Please stay tuned with the updates on this event website and Sportsoho Media Limited's Facebook page.
    其他事宜 Others

    • 參加者的個人物件可存放於大會提供之行李寄存區。切勿攜帶貴重物品,如有損毀或遺失,大會將不會負任何責任及作出任何賠償。參加者一旦使用此安排,已被假定接受此條款。
      Baggage storage will be provided. Please do not bring any valuable items. The Organiser is not responsible for the lost or damage of the baggage stored with us.
    • 如活動過程中須向大會查詢及要求協助,請到詢問處與工作人員聯絡。
      Should there be any emergencies or assistance needed during the event, participants shall contact the officials at the information center.
    • 所有禮品不可兌換現金。
      All prizes are not redeemable for cash.
    • 大會擁有修改及解釋以上規則的權利。
      The Organizer reserves the right to amend or clarify the above race rules.





    又話有千卡通行証 ,但賽事包內又無包埋,咁佢真係有1張實體證(好似入場卷咁)定如何嫁?

    McQueenElizabethC  1855 天前


    Clover  1872 天前

    請問會員優惠碼在那裡? 才可報名

    Kamanwong  1895 天前
