STRIDER™ PREbike單車賽、山地車越野賽 及 兩項越野鐵人賽 (頒獎)

Photos 91 - 94 of 94

No any response ?

Byron Lam  4337 天前

Hi~~hkflyer ,

Tai Lam and Tai Mo Shan is high level mounttain road in HK, you need have a good experience and good MTB so that pass to all of the journey. I think you are great sktill player on MTB.

Tuen Mun in NT of west, near by Tai Lam (find it on google map), there road is seem like with Shatin, but there has a good view of migrate brid paradise(if you like photo ).

I live in Tuen Mun so I ride here, I'm not good skill rider on MTB, I just a holiday driver XD. However, I want to upgrate my skill for exciting off raod if I have opportunity.

You may add my facebook to exchange or ride me here if you want in future : )

Byron Lam  4345 天前

Hi Byron.. I enrolled in the duathlon..

In the email that was given, the PARTICIPANT GUIDE said " During cycling events, you will be required to wear helmets. We strongly
recommend kneepads and elbow pads. You must use a mountain bike." I guess some rules are not really enforced.

I've never ridden in Tuen Mun. I usually ride in Tai Lam and Tai Mo Shan. I sometimes ride in Shatin for easy rids. But I just bike for fun. I don't train at all and I'm sure I'm not as professional as you are ;)

Where do you ride?

hkflyer  4349 天前

Hi~~hkflyer ,

I think I had see you that day , you are with your female friend chating and bliking near by water car.

I guess your not enroll 9:00 - 10:00am Game, because I met your to racetrack when I leave at 11:00.

Beside that, I can not see not allow non-MTB to join the game by Required . It just mention " Required equipment: Bike & Helmet (Recommended equipment: knee pads & elbow pads)" on web .

Anyways, Did you have go to Tuen Mun to ride , there are good view XD

Byron Lam  4352 天前

Thank you for the pictures. They are great. I really appreciate your efforts!

I really enjoyed the race. It was a surprisingly very interesting (and hot) course. Race organization was very good though were a few things that needed a bit of improvement (though a realize that it's a big race to organize.)

1. It would have been nice to for start official to give the directions in English as well. His "English version" was (20% English) / (80% Cantonese.) For us non-Chinese, it would have been nice to know what was going on.

2. My friend and I were given the wrong directions during the race. One official told me to go in the wrong turn. Another told my friend to run another lap though she was on her last lap. It's a good thing I saw her in time.

3. Rules should be enforced. Rules said "Mountain Bikes" only. Why were there road/cyclo cross bikes allowed?

Thanks again to the organizers and volunteers for putting this race together. Looking forward to the next one!

hkflyer  4353 天前

上傳: Simon Choi
更新時間: 4352 天前
相片數: 94 張

日期: 2012年7月15日
時間: 上午9時至下午1時
地點: 鄰近香港迪士尼樂園度假區
賽事: 山地車越野賽 及 兩項越野鐵人賽

