第二屆護多樂產品秋季長跑 - 十公里起跑

Photos 19 - 36 of 114


史波  4236 天前

請問證書幾時會有? 點樣攞?

龍龍  4239 天前

Dear 史波,

Now it is 2 weeks before the race day (21 Oct 2012). But not yet receive Race pack pick up notification for 2nd FUTURO™ Products Autumn Run by now. Have the notification been sent? And no such notification in www.pacers.org.hk. Could the notification be posted in www.pacers.org.hk as well?

chowwaion  4256 天前

Race pack pick up notice will be sent 2 weeks before the race.

史波  4268 天前

Race pack pick up notice will be launched two weeks before the race!

史波  4278 天前

上傳: nshwinnie
更新時間: 4241 天前
相片數: 114 張