

史波  5565 天前


thomas  5565 天前

我幫你轉返好張相 Laughing

史波  5566 天前

Kim Yu  5566 天前

Wong Wai Kin  5568 天前

Ha... really want to know the reason I was so luckily caught by the photographer!!! :)

thw_hk  5567 天前

I got it. Thanks a lot.

wathokeung  5567 天前


tsw01  5567 天前

側面!! 型呀!! Cool

史波  5566 天前

Cool  i'm very happi to find myself , thx a lot sportsoho

POON MAN HO  5567 天前

Hi, thank you so much for your efforts for these nice photos.  We foreigner really no chances to take photo during the race.Laughing

Wincent Saw Wai Kean  5566 天前

你好, 警察哥哥 Cool

史波  5565 天前

Hello 史波兄! 很感激您拍到那麼多好相片呵~ Thankyou very much! 我是渣打09全馬21684 ^^

LAM WAI KIN  5565 天前

史波, 雖然影得我好樣衰(不嬲唔係好), 唔該你, CT

(仲三幅咁多!!! Embarassed thank 橋 you)

charleyt  5559 天前