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I would say it's not difficult to ride! Just need time to familiar with the new riding posture (the major Centre of Gravity is shifted backward only) ... some people can do it in the first try ... i need around 5min to pick up this new toy!
Bty, the required muscle set on the leg is different from usual.

gelunmak  5502 天前

I saw this type of Bike in Nam Sang Wai, so Funny. But is it difficult to ride?

Adam T.  5503 天前

o甘! 踩lee種單車同普通單車技巧上有冇分別呢?

Wong+Gi+Gi  5503 天前

呢種 Recumbent 同普通單車 (upright bike) 一樣, 都係俾人踏 ! 特別用途可以話係長途時會舒服好多。especially over 1~2 hrs , patpat 和 背脊都冇痛! 所以有d設計係 for Touring!

另外,好處係會快d, 主要因風阻細。 快 10-15% 左右!

還有, 個人經驗, crash (炒) 時會比較安全!

gelunmak  5503 天前


Wong+Gi+Gi  5503 天前

相片提供: gelunmak 5504 天前