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Tags: 0, a, messages, 10px, 0px, 4px, 6px, 2px, 1px, System, Any, 歡迎來到SportSOHO, , type="text/css">, body, {, text-align:left;, margin:0;, padding:0;, background:, #4690d6;, font:, 80%/1.5, "Lucida, Grande", Verdana, sans-serif;, color:, #333333;, }, text-decoration:, none;, -moz-outline-style:, outline:, a:visited, #0054a7;, a:hover, underline;, p, margin:, 15px, 0;, img, border:, #startpage_wrapper, background:white;, width:570px;, margin:auto;, padding:10px, 40px;, margin-bottom:40px;, margin-top:20px;, border-right:, solid, #666666;, border-bottom:, label, font-weight:, bold;, color:#333333;, font-size:, 140%;, input[type="text"], input[type="password"], 120%, Arial, Helvetica, padding:, 5px;, #cccccc;, color:#666666;, width:566px;, .database_settings, width:220px;, textarea, textarea:focus, input[type="password"]:focus, input[type="text"]:focus, #e4ecf5;, input[type="submit"]:hover, input[type="submit"], 16px/100%, #ffffff;, background:#4690d6;, -webkit-border-radius:, 4px;, -moz-border-radius:, width:, auto;, height:, 35px;, 6px;, margin:10px, cursor:, pointer;, hr, border:0;, border-bottom:1px, td, text-align:, left;, vertical-align:, middle;, .messages, border:1px, #00cc00;, background:#ccffcc;, color:#000000;, padding:3px, 3px, 10px;, .messages_error, #D3322A;, background:#F7DAD8;, , , id="startpage_wrapper">,


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, class="messages-exception", style="background:#FDFFC3;display:block;padding:10px;">, , title="DatabaseException">, SportSOHO未能連接到以root@, (pw:, ****)命名的資料庫。, ,

