Albert Lee

Albert Lee posted commented on image IMG_7995

Thanks a lot!
(673 days ago)

Albert Lee posted commented on image 464A8359

Thanks a lot!
(673 days ago)

Albert Lee posted 賽事評論 第25屆渣打香港馬拉松


(737 days ago)

Albert Lee has had a new comment posted on maymaymay 's message board.


Dear maymaymay, thanks much for taking photos for us. If possible, please send the big size IMG 5007 - 5010 to me. [email protected]
(4375 days ago)

Albert Lee uploaded 圖像在相簿 西貢區長跑比賽 2012/13

(4412 days ago)

Albert Lee uploaded 圖像在相簿 屯門區長跑比賽 2013

(4414 days ago)

Albert Lee uploaded 圖像在相簿 2012.10.1 國慶長跑

(4523 days ago)

Albert Lee posted 賽事評論 屯門區長跑比賽2012


ching, 不用客氣!多得我老婆肯咁早起床幫我影相!
(4746 days ago)

Albert Lee uploaded 圖像在相簿 屯門區長跑比賽 2012

(4756 days ago)