
phoebetse has had a new comment posted on WongKamChuen 's message board.


Hi Mr. Wong, Your photos are very nice & beautiful, could I have the original file of 維港泳 New World Harbour Race 2016 F_AY3T0502 to my email [email protected] You are so nice, thank you!
(2958 days ago)

phoebetse has had a new comment posted on CHANYUETBING 's message board.


Hi Jocelyn Lau Your photos are very nice & beautiful, could I have the original file of 維港泳 New World Harbour Race 2016 2016CHR (88) to my email [email protected] You are so nice, thank you!
(2958 days ago)

phoebetse has had a new comment posted on Gary Lee 's message board.


Hi Gary Lee, 50km Challenge Ride & Team Challenge – Stonecutters Bridge (06:30am-07:00am) Your photos are very nice & beautiful, could I have the original file of image-5377927-b5384506_1474937895gal_9459 to my email [email protected] You are so nice, thank you!
(2958 days ago)

phoebetse has had a new comment posted on waiking 's message board.


Hi waiking, 50km Challenge Ride & Team Challenge – Stonecutters Bridge (06:30am-07:00am) Your photos are very nice & beautiful, could I have the original file of image-5377491-b5379170_1474884745ds5_0793 to my email [email protected] You are so nice, thank you!
(2958 days ago)

phoebetse posted 賽事評論 新鴻基地產香港單車節


辛苦晒咁多位攝影師的付出. AhLam, BenLee, Fishtail, Edmund & Eric Siu D相好正, Thank you very much :) 請問我咩辦法可取得到像數高D的相 ? Thanks
(2987 days ago)