
scchu has had a new comment posted on Stephen Law 's message board.


Nice to get the photo POR_3575. Please send me the original size photo to [email protected] Thank you very much!!
(3178 days ago)

scchu posted commented on image POR_3575

Nice to get this photo. Please send me the original size photo to [email protected] Thank you very much!!
(3178 days ago)

scchu is now a friend with
(4620 days ago)

scchu uploaded 圖像在相簿 渣馬2012-駱克道_1130-1149

(4622 days ago)

scchu uploaded 圖像在相簿 渣馬2012-駱克道_1100-1129

(4622 days ago)

scchu uploaded 圖像在相簿 渣馬2012-駱克道_1030-1059

(4622 days ago)

scchu uploaded 圖像在相簿 渣馬2012-駱克道_1000-1029

(4622 days ago)

scchu uploaded 圖像在相簿 渣馬2012-駱克道_0901-0959

(4622 days ago)

scchu posted commented on image P1010938

Please give me your e-mail address and I will send you directly. The file size should be 4.5M~6M.
(4624 days ago)

scchu posted commented on image

It is a 10Km run.
(4954 days ago)

scchu has had a new comment posted on Belinda 's message board.


Thanks for your photos. I would like to have the original size photo of img_7761 and img_8360 in album 美津濃香港半馬拉松錦標賽2011 (2). Please send it to [email protected]
(5015 days ago)