TERRYFOK has had a new comment posted on kit3201 's message board.


謝謝你的相片 可否給以下相片FULL SIZE給我! 銅鑼灣皇室堡 - 10:02:10 - 10:39:22 IMG_6223 無言感激 [email protected]
(4367 days ago)

TERRYFOK has had a new comment posted on supersimon 's message board.


謝謝你渣打的相片, 可否SEND 告士打道 09:36-09:44 DSC09868 這相原稿相給我? [email protected]
(4367 days ago)

TERRYFOK has had a new comment posted on Alex 's message board.


謝謝你的渣打的相片, 可否SEND 渣打香港馬拉松 2013 (西隧入口 08:00-11:00) DSC01860 原稿相給我嗎? [email protected]
(4367 days ago)

TERRYFOK uploaded 圖像在相簿 渣打2012 終點前

(4756 days ago)

TERRYFOK posted 賽事評論 2011澳門銀河娛樂國際馬拉松


Dear 火兄 Can you send the following photo to me. DSC_5158 DSC 5159 [email protected] THX TErry
(4817 days ago)

TERRYFOK posted 賽事評論 沙田節半馬拉松暨聖誕繽紛跑2010城門河皇者之戰


我到現在都未收到學證書! 其實幾時收到?
(5090 days ago)

TERRYFOK posted commented on image IMG_7347

可否SEND這改FULL SIZE圖好我? [email protected]
(5100 days ago)

TERRYFOK posted commented on image CF6E5889

多謝你的相片 何可SEND這full size相給我? [email protected]
(5103 days ago)

TERRYFOK posted commented on image CF6E5890

多謝你的相片 何可SEND這full size相給我? [email protected]
(5103 days ago)

TERRYFOK posted commented on image IMG_1767_belinda_6_0931

多謝你的相片 何可SEND這full size相給我? [email protected]
(5103 days ago)

TERRYFOK posted commented on image IMG_1715

多謝你的相片 何可SEND這full size相給我? [email protected]
(5103 days ago)

TERRYFOK posted commented on image IMG_1714

多謝你的相片 何可SEND這full size相給我? [email protected]
(5103 days ago)

TERRYFOK posted commented on image DSC_4714

多謝你的相片 何可SEND這full size相給我? [email protected]
(5103 days ago)

TERRYFOK posted commented on image IMG_9840S

多謝你的相片 何可SEND這full size相給我? [email protected]
(5103 days ago)

TERRYFOK has had a new comment posted on ThomasTang 's message board.


感謝你的相片, 可以send這張 灣仔 08:11-09:30 IMG_1714 IMG_1715 的原相給我! thx. [email protected]
(5103 days ago)

TERRYFOK has had a new comment posted on 文星 's message board.


感謝你的相片, 可以send這張 灣仔 09:14-09:35 IMG_9840S 的原相給我! thx. [email protected]
(5103 days ago)

TERRYFOK has had a new comment posted on Leon 's message board.


感謝你的相片, 可以send這張 記利佐治街 09:30-09:59 DSC_4714 的原相給我! thx. [email protected]
(5103 days ago)

TERRYFOK has had a new comment posted on Belinda 's message board.


感謝你的相片, 可以send這張 IMG_1767_belinda_6_0931 的原相給我! thx. [email protected]
(5103 days ago)

TERRYFOK posted 賽事評論 渣打馬拉松2011


感謝你的相片, 可以send這張 IMG_1767_belinda_6_0931 的原相給我! thx. [email protected]
(5103 days ago)

TERRYFOK posted 賽事評論 Rockport 7.2公里顛峰之戰


(5135 days ago)